
When u prank call...?

by  |  earlier

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people what do u say??????




  1. are you serious????

    omg. you just s***w with them.

  2. ok i usually use the

    Taco joint (you: hello this rico from del taco)


    bank of america (you: hello this is bank of america calling about a transaction of 20,000 golf qalls that you bought, you went over on your card)

    or my fav

    crack money (you: hey dog u got the money yet?, then later tell them they best have it or youll get the boyz to their house soone, 48 hours!) lol

    many other famous ones are

    Do you have king henry in a can?

    them: yes

    "you: then u better let him out!


    Is your refrigerator running?

    them: yes

    you: then u better go catch it



    "b***h, if you don't gots my money by tomorrow I'm f***kin killz yo a**!  You got it!?"

    ha, idk

    "youre fired"

  4. nothing then hang up.

  5. loll!! my friends and i make grudge noises to scare the p**p out of the people we prank call!

  6. Something stupid.

  7. did u order pizza

  8. me and my friends called the number on a coke can, and screamed i love pepsi. then my one friend called again and said im prince charming. we all kept calling doing stupid stuff, and they said if we didnt stop calling they would call the police... so we stopped...

  9. Prank calling is immature, not to mention how annoying it is to hear somebody giggling on the other end of the conversation.

  10. kitty kitty boom boom

  11. "you're husbands cheating on you"

  12. You shouldn't prank at all. Grow up!

  13. wow.i dont think anyone does that anymore

  14. i don't prank no more but i remember when i was younger me and friends used to call random numbers and say your son has gotton me pregnant!! stupid i know but 5 outta 10 have a son that is old enough to get some one pregnant so it worked well. also we would call up a pizza place and say I'm just calling up for my replacement order and then they would ask for ya name u just give them a fake one and then they say sorry we don't have anyone by that name on our system and then u kick up a fuss and because customer is always right u end up with a free pizza!!

  15. just talk in like a chinese accent and ask for random people and if they say like "so and so doesn't live here" then name someone else and just keep asking for different ppl. It's funny haha.

  16. I just act like I can't hear it's a bad connection.  It makes them have to yell louder and louder into their telephone.  lolol  

    It's funny to do to co-workers.

  17. I've never done it but my brother and his friends would look in the phone book for someone with the last name of Whitehead. They would call and ask for Mr. or Mrs. Blackhead and when the person said sorry you have the wrong number, they would say, sorry I must have the wrong pimple.

    Lame I know, but they were 12. My mom got mad :)

  18. I dont prank call people

    that is very immature and disrespectful and a waste of the prank victems time

  19. start speaking a different language. or call a hair salon and ask if they do ball waxing.  or say "herro, weahcome tew chyanuh wun! yew wah fry rice?!"

  20. Say you're the police.

  21. this 1 time, my friend called this random # and she said crying "is billy there?" and it wuz this older woman and she said "no. who's billy?"

    my friend said "billy wuz my boyfriend and he broke up w/ me" and then she started fake cryin

    then the old lady said " well im sry about that honey, but u hav the wrong number. my daughter's having a baby rite now. im sry about ur boyfriend."

    we were so shocked she hung up the phone

    it wuz halarious

  22. "This is planned parent hood, we have your daughters pregnancy test results in.." hahaha

  23. Hehe I said I was his friend and we were at a llama convention and that he promised to meet me. Why wasn't he there. That was funny.

  24. Hey you orda chinese foo? we call polwece!!, you pay $13.99! yo orda fry rice? with oran chicken!

  25. ohhhhh he he there's a radio station that does that....woo hoo the ppl there get PRETTY mad about it....the answerers say like: I"LL SUE (i think i spelled it wrong) YOU--i shouldn't go on.

  26. First off, use a payphone. People have caller ID now.

    Well when I prank call, I use a different accent. Islamic voices are best. I called Walmart and said,"Hello, I am Augie and I am selling pencils would you like buy?" That went on with me and the manager arguing about who's the one selling things. He got so pissed!

  27. tell 'em that they are going to die....................BUT God loves 'em

  28. I usually pretend im a phone rep from from British Air Ways, United Air lines, etc. and call to confirm their trip that has been charged to their Visa card.

  29. anything u can come up with

  30. just say in a strange voice, hey...

    im looking 4 someone and when they say what.

    stay quiet!


  31. Call me. I'm not only on the gov. do not call list, I record prank calls, report them to the FCC and in some cases the FTC and then , in some cases take other legal action. Telephone harassment IS against the law, you know.
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