
When u r at a resturant what is the best thing 2 eat when ur still on a diet?

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please answer 4 breakfast, lunch and dinner




  1. Go for a salad, but awlays get the dressing on the side. Avoid the croutons or anything other than raw veggies in it. Go light on the bread served with salads.

    I think portioning is more important than what you eat.  stop eating when you feel almost full, and try not to finsih the plate. The serving sizes are almost always too much for a meal.

  2. 1. a fruit ..

    2. fish meal

    3. a chicken drumstick with some boiled potatoes

  3. -Always go for a salad

    -And choose grilled always if u have the option

    -try to stay away from dressings- too many calories, instead try leamon or balsamic vinegar, skip on the cheese and croutons

    -and plz don't skip meals to have one really good meal

  4. breakfast : smoothies juice nd stuff that is natural t toast some meat

    lunch anything grilld salad chicken mea pasta rice

    dinner - anyhting that u would usually hav as a snack

    and for drinks all juice is gd

  5. the best thing to eat is about half of what they serve you. ask for a to-go box as soon as you get your food. box up half right away. restaurant portions are huge these days. the best thing you can do when dieting is watch your portion sizes.

    forget appetizers and desserts. if you're out with someone else who's watching their weight (or just wants a sane portion of food) split an entree.

    breakfast --fresh fruit, egg white omelet, veggies, whole wheat toast no butter....

    lunch --salad no croutons or cheese --ask about low fat or fat free dressings. most places carry at least one or two healthier options. get the dressing on the side, and rather than drench your salad with it, dip your fork in the dressing between bites. don't feel the need to use it all.

    dinner--grilled chicken or fish and steamed veggies. avoid anything battered and fried. if you want a sandwich or burger, order it without cheese/bacon/mayo. even order it without the bun, and eat it with knife and fork.

    drink water. lots of water. and take your time eating. stop when you're full.

  6. breakfast- either fruit and cottage cheese or a veggie omelet

    lunch- soup and salad or a sandwich

    dinner-fish and veggies (salmon is really good for you)

    these are just things i like, it really depends on how picky you are i guess.

  7. cerial/salad/two crackers

  8. For Breakfast-Oats or Granola with yogurt and a cup of fruit or plain egg whites scrambled dry with your favorite veggies. No cheese!

    For lunch-Go for a salad lots of veggies.  Ask for lemons and oil on the side for dressing.

    For dinner-Start with another salad or a non-cream based soup. Watch your portions! Fish is good and substitute a vegetable for the potato. For desert-a cup of fresh berries or sorbet.

    Don't be afraid to ask for a togo box. Restaurants are very accomodating. The key is healthy choices and portions. Also, drink a big glass of water before each meal.

  9. Balance your whole day calorie intake to allow for the restaurant meal....Maybe an extra workout to compromise.  Stay totally away from the deserts.  For a main meal always ask for the dressing on the side.  (Avoid the breads wshich will have yummy butter on them.)  Salads can be filling and tasty - try adding smoked salmon for extra protein.  Dont beat yourself up - just be sensible. Go lean and grilled

  10. breakfast: egg whites with wheat toast

    lunch: grilled chicken sandwich

    dinner:grilled chicken dinner with fried rice and salad

    My mom has been a healthnut for years and this is what she AWAYS orders.

  11. pizza hut

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