
When u save an image from google to ur PC. then when u go to 360 profile to make it the defauly image....?

by  |  earlier

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why doesnt work... it say Error: Your image must be a jpeg file, either .jpg or .jpeg

what can i do to make it work




  1. You picture need to a certain sizt to work for a profile photo

    be JPEG files.

    be less than 5MB in size.

    not include contact information, your name, or other text in the image.

    not contain adult-oriented content or nudity.

    not contain obscene or objectionable content.

    Make sure it is the right size, you can click on right mouse button and ''save pixcture as''

    Then you can click on the browse in your 360''edit personal photo'' and add it ,set as primary and save

    Yahoo is having a bug in Photos and you may need to wait a few days for it to show up because the system is running slow because of yahoo transition and updating getting ready for the new social network

  2. When you find your photo in google, right click on it and click on "save picture as."  This will bring up a box, where you can name the picture.  Under that, it gives you a choice on what format you are going to save it as.  Make sure you save it as a .jpg format.  Then you should have no problems uploading it to your 360 profile.

    Or, you can open the picture that you saved in Paint, and save it as a .jpg format.  Again, when you save it, use "Save as," and under the place where you type in the name of the picture you should be able to pick different file formats.  Find one that lists .jpg, and click on that.

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