
When unhinged libs whine about 'Special needs', should they remember what Hussein said about missing Fathers?

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Obama Can’t Be A Good Father While President

Barry himself says “Children without fathersin their lives are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school, and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.” Being President is a 24/7 job, constantly on the move, in meetings, making decisions, pumping the flesh, meeting donors, talking to Congress. He has 2 children. How can he possibly put himself in a position where his kids do not really have a father and the influence of a father?




  1. Democrats can change the subject in the same sentence

  2. It's called a working father if you didn't know.  It's now like he isn't doing it already as a senator, or a presidential candidate.  He can always pull a George Bush everytime there is a national crisis Obama can be on vacation at his ranch in Chicago.

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