
When us teens become Grandparents...?

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Don't you think it'll be weird?!!

When I think of my Grandmother, she knits and does baking. I don't know one person my age who knows how to knit. Baking isn't all that popular anymore either.

What do you think we'll be like when we're grandparents?





  1. My GPs are rich and awesome so it's no big deal

  2. i like rap music, so when im old, im gunna be one weird grandmother. ill be sitting in my rocking chair rapping to 50 Cent. hahaha. i might wind up listening to the same music my grandkids will listen to! hahaha =]

  3. I was at my grandmothers and she acts like a 30 year old.

    She bakes a little.

    She goes out to eat some.

    She loves the computer and cell phone

    She never watches television

  4. My grandson can knit ( he knit scarfs for the Children's aid society) and  he likes to bake a few things.Never be afraid to aquire new skills regardless of your age.We are never too young or too old to learn something new.I'm learning  to be more confident on the computor.I  was so nervous when I first started using the computor.The world is constantly changing Wabby and when you are  a grandparent you will be able to share what talents you have and your grandchildren will share their talents with you.The most important thing that grandparents share with their grandchildren is time.You will build memories together which will last a lifetime.

  5. Well, I'll be weaving bracelete's for my grandkids.

    The boys can just give it to..oh I dunno...someone they like. ;)

  6. When i hit 20 I will have a mid life crisis. HaHa

  7. well if im 80 i think i will be used to it. but it would be prety awesome because your whole family respects you and you have all of these offspring and your kids and their kids kids kids. and your kids husbands and wives and their familys kids kids, and your cousins kids kids wives and husbands cousins. and you sisters and brothers kids kids cousins. it goes on forever. and the cool thought is you helped START that family. you are the base!

  8. we will p**p our pants and watch golf

  9. haha i think about that all the time! good to know its normal and someone else thinks the same too lol.

    i picture someone laughing at me saying omg grandma thats lame..thats old..etc. like, me playing a wii or somethin and them being like dude thats so the 21st century hahaha. mainly because by the time "we" have grandkids theyre will be waaay more new technologies we cant even imagine in todays time-so our gadgets like the cell phone and even extreme stuff like touch screens or computers will seem like old stuff. its funny to think about how our grandparents say "i remember when gas was 15 cent". can you believe one day we might say "i remember when gas was 4 dollars" but then again who knows instead of cars they're may be flying boats and what not...


    i still think we'll be more up to date with whats goin on with our grandkids then ours were with us. just because of the time and how we're pretty much in the age of technology as it is.

    good question. =]

  10. I heard in the future old people will be listening to rap and stuff, since right now old people usually listen to music from when they were young. That'll be interesting.

  11. You may find that as you get older (not grandma age, but 30ish) you may be interested in learning to knit, or bake, or sew, or many other things that seem boring or weird to you right now. When I was a teen I cared about music, my boyfriend, and going to the movies. As an adult I care about so many new things, and all that teenage stuff seems so silly now.

  12. Maybe our generation will have grandparents who ride skateboards and text message. All of our grandkids will be like, "That's so uncool! Why would you want to text message?"


  13. yea i think it will be so weird..then our grand children ill laugh at us..if you know what i mean

  14. Um I'm in my 20s and I can knit and bake.  I'm the perfect grandma in the making :)


  16. lol ya i think about that all the time too!

    i mean i cannot picture my grandmother singing the songs that are popular now a days. and deffinetly not doing the dancing! good lord she'd have a heart attack if she saw how teenagers dance sometimes!!

    lol thats a good question

  17. Heck, I'm 16 and love to bake!

    That's kind of stereotypical.

    People do what they want.

    And I'm sure the idea of what grandparents are supposed to act like will change in 40 years.

  18. I'll probably spoil my grandbabies to death!!!! lol

  19. I don't knit. I did try once when I was in like 5th grade. But I failed and lost interest. It will be weird! I do like to bake sometimes. I like making mac'n'cheese, cookies and brownies!!! But thats it. I don't think I'm grandma material though...I hope I'm an interesting grandma. Not like a loopy crazy one.

    EDIT:I'm already a great aunt so I guess thats a start to being a grandma! Its weird being 13 years old with a great niece and a great nephew!

  20. haha, i think that we'll be like our grandparents now, full of stories about youth and why you should listen to them because "when we were kids, life was much harder! and there was so much pressure on teens!"

    haha (:

  21. haha, i thought about this one day.

    I love to bake and cook in general, so hopefully that won't change. But when I have to think of myself wearing pants up to my belly button, and having the short short hair cuts, and dentures. ahhh. I mean because I can't got around wearing Abercrombie and Fitch at 80. That won't look too cute.

    && saying words like "i-dear" and "over yonder". bhaha.

    It is wierd.

    very to be honest with you.

    and knowing myself, I will have some spoiled grandchildren.

    oh dear.

  22. i know! seems weird, right?

    i do not think that we will be the baking, knitting grandparents we have today.

    instead i believe that we will carry many of the things we have now to when we're older.

    like, i bet as a grandma, ill have instant messaging and a myspace too. and i think that won't be weird by then.

    my sister, who is almost 30(shes a lot older than me), just had a baby, so now i'm an aunt, and it IS kind of weird. i'm used to my older, doting aunts. i'm going to be this young aunt, but i'm physced because i can show my niece fun things to do and get her into things i enjoyed doing when i was younger.

    to sum it up, i think we'll be pretty cool grandparents, though our grandkids might not think so.

    i think we'll be everything but the baking, and knitting, and cheek-pinching grandparents!

  23. well that day will come dont worry about it

    we still have a longggg time 2 go

  24. i think we're going to be a whole different generation of grandparents. we'll be surfing myspace and talking on instant messenger. can you believe that those things will be the "old" things, though? wow, i wonder what next.

  25. we'll be kool grandparents because we were exposed to so much during our generation !

  26. I learned to cook, sew, knit, and crochet, and baking is one of my favorite things (i cant wait to get my own bread maker, but for now i use the oven).  i have some family reipes that have been passed down in dads family for ages.  I will be teaching my own chidlren how to do these things if they want to learn

  27. myspace will probably be like what grandparents do haha.

    and our grandchildren will be like 'my grandma's so weird, she sits on the computer and designs some page all day and makes comments on her friends pictures'

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