
When using a paint sprayer what it the fastest way to tape the ceiling?

by Guest57484  |  earlier

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My husbands has been cutting small pieces of plastic and taping them in sections on the ceiling. It takes a ton of time and it's insane amount of prep work. Are there any tricks to the trade or something they make for faster taping that we don't know about? Or do we just keep doing it like we have been? The paint spray just gets so much spray back we don't want to get any on the freshly painted ceilings.

I keep thinking there has to be something- or I am going to invent it! LOL




  1. Masking tape and newspaper is best although i have never spray painted the inside of a house before..........I suppose you lay the masking tape down sticky side up attach the newspaper and stick it up .. Thats what i'd do i guess

  2. If you are spraying with low pressure/high volume gun(like a Croix air) if you are careful, a spray shield is ideal, just spay 1/2 way into the shield.  

  3. go to the piant store and ask for some tape and drape. It hooks onto a handmasker which holds a roll of one inch tape and puts it on the plastic(tape and drape) which folds out to 10 or 15 fett or smaller depending on which size tape and drape you buy. The hand masker is the time saver with out one your fighting an uphill battle. They cost alot but I bought one for 20 bucks about 15 years ago and still use it whenever i need to paint a room etc.  The cost of a handmasker today is about 32 bucks

  4. You can buy a taping gun. It looks sort of like the guns that are used for taping boxes closed. The only thing is they are a little on the expensive side,especially if it is for a small job. If the work you are doing is extensive by all means go for it. You can purchase one in a good paint store. I'm not sure if the big DIY stores have them,but they do exist.

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