
When using the proactiv refining mask, do you use it before or after you use the regular steps?

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Regular steps:

1. Wash face using cleanser

2. Use the toner

3. Use the lotion.

i want to use the refining mask, but i dont know to use before or after using these steps.




  1. before cause it drys out face and can leave residue  

  2. That's such a coincidence that you asked that!! I'm actually wearing the refining mask right now. :)....Anyway, you put it on AFTER you do the steps.....It sucks because although it doesn't look like it from acne, I'm 21 and STILL suffer from acne...I actually put on the mask a few times a day..and even wear it when I go to sleep..and although Proactive doesn't say to do this, but I do anyway because my face feels SO much better after I put it on! If your face doesn't dry out easily I would reccoment doing this as well. :) Good luck!

  3. hi when i was using provativ i read for best results its recommended using the refining mask after the renewing cleaner at least 2-3 times a week, leaving on for 10 minutes. Then follow with the revitalising toner and repairing lotion.

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