
When visiting a doctor about missed periods, what is the procedure?

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I've missed my period for 5 months and i have been reading other people's answers. The majority of the answers is to go see a doctor however i am VERY self-conscious about my body and absolutely terrified to hear something i don't want to hear. I've never had sexual contact or intercourse so i know I'm not pregnant and have no STD's. When seeing a doctor about missing periods, what exactly do they do to you...? eg. blood tests? or examining my private parts? please thank you.




  1. The doctor will probably do a blood test, to check your hormones.

    He will probably do a manual exam too. To see if there is anything wrong with your ovaries and uterus. This can be a little uncomfortable, but the doctor is usually very gentle.

    He will stick 2 fingers (lubed, and gloved) in your v****a, and will, with his other hand, feel your ovaries, and uterus from the outside of your stomach. It's really not as bad as it sounds.

    Talk to your doctor, tell him you feel very nervous and self-conscious. He has done this a million times, and he'll talk you through it.

    Good luck!

  2. My best friend missed her period for 6 months and her story sounds a lot like yours. She also was really afraid to go to the doctors, but both her mom and I forced to her go, because she's had her period for several years. If you are new to periods, I wouldn't be too worried about the irregularity, but still check in with the doctor.

    When you go to the doctor's, you'll probably get a blood test. They'll probably also ask about your periods before the 5 months. My friend had a pelvic exam, but that's because she went to an OBGYN. If you go to your regular doctor, I'm not sure if he'll give you a pelvic exam or not. My family practitioner does.

    As for your fear, I know nothing I can say will help you too terribly much, just keep in mind that they see bodies daily, and that yours isn't different. I hope this helped a bit. Good luck:)

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