
When visiting friends and family, who, between the husband and wife, should decide when to leave?

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My husband is a strong believer that if we go visiting his friends or family together, he should be the one to decide ' when' to come home. If it's my friends or my family, then I should be the one to decide when to come home. I disagree. I say, we are a married couple, we are equal, therefore, when it is time to leave, we 'consult' each other through a quick glance or couple words, such as: 'so, ready to go?' then we 'mutually' decide it's time to go. What do you think? Am I wrong?




  1. Typically, in my marriage, it is my husband that decides when to leave. But that is just how my marriage works. In most relationships it is generally how you do it. With people deciding together.  

  2. We kind of decide ahead of time based on the occasion, travel distance, day of the week/weekend, our schedules, etc.  

    As it turns out, we tend to decide based on whose family it is, though it's not something we really discuss. It just happens.

    He lets me stay as long as I like when it's my family and I just let him tell me when he's ready to go when it's his. But like I said, it's not something we really discuss. It just happens.

  3. the husband is the one to make the final decision but you're right you2

    should consult each other, although he is the head of the house, he should take you into concideration & both of you should come to the

    same agreement" Together".

  4. whoever is the 'boss'.  my sister is the 'boss' and usually says 'when' its time to leave, but she does things with his family to compromise'

    it totally depends on what your compromises are.  your husband made a decent compromise.  go with it.  

  5. You are right.  A marriage is between two people, so things have to be done together.  Your husband is trying to be too controlling.  Good luck.

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