
When waiters get their salary , why do we have to tip them ?

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I always see my father keeping around 15-20% of the bill as a tip for waiters whenever we go to any restaurant to eat. When I ask my father about this, he just says its like appreciation and saying thank you to them for their service. So I tell him , why not just use golden words like Thank You. He doesn't listens me , he says when you grow up and start earning do whatever you want to with your money. Frankly I am very careful about the money , even if right now I get like weekly allowances, I take extra care not to spend them for no reason and I always practise saving them . Lol, call me whatever you , but I feel when the hotel or restaurant are paying the waiter for the job they do, why people tip them again ?

btw, I am 13 and I am not rude, but this question just always arises in my mind .




  1. When I waited tables last year I made just 3 dollars an hour! Without tips I would starve.I finally had to leave that job because alot of people do not know or care and they wont tip you.One time I waited on some musicians and they left me areally big tip because alot of musicians have waited tables or tended bar so they know. Now I work in a factory and my job is actaully easier.I make almost 11$ an hour.

  2. Hi sweetie, yes servers/waiters/waitresses make way less than min wage. They have to claim their tips as well at the end of each night. Please don't feel bad for them. If they do their job right many will make around 25.00 per hour if not more. Now this is not every night, but I'd say 98%. I raised 4 kids being a server/bartender. I think the wage just went up to 3.13 per hour. But, when I started it was 1.19 per hour. LOL. I' even did shift work. The server/or carhop that I was at the time, we were paid 10.00 per shift. Hope this answers your question. Oh, and a little inside information. If they do a good job, 20% is always great along with a penny turned with the heads up. If not, then just a small 5% is given with a penny and heads down. This might be a southern thing, but it is a nice way to say, Thanks. And tell your Father he is a good man. You'd be surprised at the people who don't tip, and yet will run a server to death. And putting them in the weeds making them give good people, bad service. A lot of times the kitchen has a lot to do with the service as well, but being people as they are, they blame the server. That is about a 75% kitchen, compared to being a new server, or just not caring of the customer. Have a great day!

  3. I worked at a restaurant, and trust me buddy we don't get paid well. Then again I worked as a bus boy... First my salary was below minimum wadge. That means I make less then some one working at McDanolds althought we do alot more. Tips doesnt all go to the waiters, it also goes to the bus boys, who not alot of ppl appriciate. We not only cater costumers, we clean... Now you clean by yourself a big mess that a party of 40 ppl made. busboy never really get a thank you or anything... retaurant never pay us enought... maybe half of what the average person make...

  4. I feel for the wait staff but this is not my responsibility and all it does is insure that the owners never change.Why should they if we pick up the slack?

  5. Most waiters are only earning $2.00 to $3.00 an hour while minimum wage is far over that. Tips are used to compensate the rest of the money that they should be making. They need that extra money to help pay the bills and the other expenses that they have. However to many of the waiters are starting to expect tips and are offering very low quality service thinking that you will tip them no matter what. As you get older you will see that the tip should be based on service given and you will better understand this. Your father sounds like he is doing a good job.

  6. Servers usually make half minimum wage, higher at expensive restaurants, and tips are most of their earnings. It doesn't just go to them either, tip outs go to bartenders and busboys too.

    Reservoir Dogs has an excellent discussion on tipping at the beginning of the movie and Harvey Keitel makes a great case for it.

  7. If you are getting paid less than minimum wage, you need tips.  Especially if you have a family to take care of.

    How would unions help?  If a server joins a union, the restaurant would  fire that person, to hire a non-union person, wouldn't they?  

  8. around here where i live in KY,, at the pizza hut the server doesnt even make $3.00 an hour, so they rely on tips. Which it is the respectful & nice thing to do to show your appreciation of there service.

  9. i think its because at some places they get minimum or below wage and are supposed to make it up in tips. i think its silly.. unless someone was really great i will tip them. no one tips in australia.. well maybe in sydney but not in brisbane thank god. im not their employer i think their employer should pay their wage. i think its enough paying for overpriced meals without having to tip waiters who are generally rude or hungover .

  10. i think its being really nice, but only when the waiter is giving REALLY good service

    or maybe the waiters don't get salary

  11. A lot of waiting jobs pay less than minimum wage and tips are supposed to make up the difference.  

  12. You dont have to tip them, you usually tip them if they have done a good job, also most dont get paid well and so its kinda fair to give them some money because they have been running after you for a while.

  13. waiters dont get paid worth c**p for all the work they do. usually half the minimum wage. the reason its nice to give tip is because thats how they get their money  

  14. servers usually never make more then three dollars an hour

    and because of that the food at your restaraunt is much cheaper

    if you want your meal to cost $19.99 instead of $9.99 then you can complain about your server making 2.83 and hour

    tipping is the custom in america

    if you are not going to tip your waitress don't go out to eat

    and if you don't tip your waitress NEVER go back to that restauraunt because they will mess with your food and give you very bad service

  15. Waiters/Waitresses are generally paid less than minimum wage per hour because of the tip situation. They are tipped for the same reason a bellman or valet or bartender are tipped, for their good service. We all like good service don' t we?  

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