
When waking up in the morning for work, do you wait till the last minute to leave?

by  |  earlier

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when you get up in the morning, do you jump right up and leave a half hour or more before you really would have to, just to get there early, or do you wait till the last possible minute so you get there in just enough time to clock in before starting time?




  1. Take a shower the night before, and wake up and leave within 5 mininutes.

    Wake up, get dressed, get my already prepared lunch and go.

  2. leave early, so you don't rush in traffic and avoid accident.

  3. i'm a salaried officer, so i get to work to get the job done. this means the work starts when i get there and i wont leave until its done. i leave home soon after waking and then get home after 9 pm

  4. I get up 30 mins before i have to be to work, and rush rush.

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