
When was Mike Ricci a really good player?

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What happend did he just get put on wrong teams or was he not able to do the best people thought he could do?




  1. his face just got so smushed together that his eyes dissapeared, his hair grew down to his skates, and his bottom lip grew over his nose. because of this "trollism" he had to hang them up.

  2. Mike Ricci was a good player because he did sooo many little things right.  He was never afraid to sit in front of the net, take vicious hits, stick up for his team, or play injured.  Because of that most of his goals were "ugly" goals, but they count and matter none the less.  Yes I am a Sharks fan, and I appreciated him playing for us.  One more thing, yeah, the guy played the game with his face.

  3. Oh man you just went over the top with me.

  4. Ricci was a great player... period.  He was a well-rounded player for every team that he played with and I never saw him shy away from any opponent.  I am not a Sharks or a Avs fan but he played the game inside the game every contest.

    No offense, but I have a problem with questions like this because you are probably looking at score sheets and statistics and awards and you are basing your opinion of Ricci on them.  People on here say these things about a lot of players.... the thing about hockey is that it is a total team effort with forwards like Ricci playing 18 minutes on the ice.  Give him some credit and look at the intangibles.  Mike Ricci was a Stu Barnes or a Craig Rivet... players who work the intangibles.

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