
When was a moment you realized you were getting 'old'?

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For me, it was watching the high school seniors band last week. They all looked like little kids to me (i'm 32 by the way). And I kept thinking I couldn't have looked THAT young at that age, but my mother assures me I did. And at the time I thought I was so grown up!

What was a moment for you?




  1. when i turned 23 last week i cried.

  2. The first time someone in their twenties called me "sir".

  3. When a lady got up in BART and offered me her seat AND I was not embarrassed by that, I took the seat.

    Another sign: Time seems to be "moving" faster, a day is now about 8 hours long, not 14, like it used to be. Summers are only a few weeks long, not a year long, etc.

    Now, I can see that when I reach 80, time will go even faster and young people are wrong to feel sorry for me, I will be busy getting up before it is time to go to sleep. (joke)

  4. Yes, about two months ago... I took a really nasty spill on my bike, and when I tried to get up and just keep riding, I couldn't do it.  Was shocking to me...went to the ER in a neck brace, and I was in pain for several weeks afterward. Yes, I'm still riding my bike, but being a lot more careful...and so glad I wore my helmet on that day...otherwise it would've been a lot worse.

    I realized then that while 47 is NOT 67 or 77, it sure is not the new 17 or 27, either. 47 is 47 and it's time to realize while I'm not quite ready to be put out to pasture yet, I'm not as resiliant as I once was and I still need to be careful.

    Today, I got that same reality check when I read of the death of Dave Freeman, the author of 100 Things To Do Before You Die.  He was my age, 47, and despite all those daredevil adventures he had... he wound up dying in a mundane fashion... from falling and hitting his head in his home!  Just goes to show you never know...

  5. When i married my husband & he's 20 yrs younger. Its a bit like having a hubby &&& a child, lol.

  6. When I realized that I had reached an age that I had memories of my father.  I remember thinking, "wow, I'm the same age that my dad was when we did _______."

  7. Fewer teenage girls flirt with me since I turned 40.

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