
When was bolivia recognized as a country?????

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When was bolivia recognized as a country?????




  1. Bolive gained indepedence on August 6, 1825 HOWEVER it was not recognized until a few months in 1826 later when Peru officially established diplomatic relations, becoming the first foreign state to do so.

  2. I think LONG before Coca-Cola started using Peruvian coca leaves for making that addictive and refreshing beverage.

  3. Bolivia became independent in 1825. As you can see it existed long before that date however. Read on.

    Bolivia was once a part of the ancient Incan empire. Spain, the European colonizer,

    defeated the Incas in the 1700s enslaving the indigenous people as conquerors.

    Geographic remoteness and mountains shielded the people from diseases the

    European colonists brought to the new land. In surrounding countries, less remote

    and mountainous, great numbers died from diseases Europeans brought across the

    Atlantic. This pool of Bolivian natives, allowing the practice of slavery, and minerals

    Contributes still to the economic inequities present in Bolivia today.

    Bolivia gained independence in 1825 from Spain. By 1825 mineral deposits were

    no longer of interest to the Spanish since all economic benefits (accrued to the

    Europeans) had been exhausted. The land mass that was acquired from Spain in

    1825 as Bolivia was much larger than the present country.

    The Bolivia of 1825 was not land-locked as the country is today. The War of the Pacific (1879-1884) settlement between Chile and Bolivia saw Chile acquire a huge chunk of

    Bolivian land and its access to the Pacific. Eight years later, 1903, Bolivia ceded

    land along with the economic benefits of vast rubber plantations to her Brazilian

    neighbors.  Paraguay gained the area known as the Gran Chaco in 1938 as victors

    of the Chaco War (1932-1935).

  4. The country became independent in August 6° in 1825 its first name was Republic of Bolivar to honor the Liberator Simon Bolivar

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