
When was dad-to-be ready/excited?

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My boyfriend was very scared when we first found out I was pregnant. He acted like he was happy later on, but he mostly seems like he resents it and wants a way out. He still from time-to-time acts like he's excited and what not and talks to me about the baby.. but still, it really feels like it's just a burden to him and he doesn't seem like he's ready to grow up and be a father. He wanted me to give it up for adoption at first. When did your BD accept it and when did they begin to get excited? Any tips on ways to help the process and ways to talk to him? Links would be helpful.

I'm at my wits end :/ we've been arguing a lot...




  1. I think that if he didn't want any kids he should have taken care of himself..don't you think? look I hope that when the baby arrives he will change his way of being. If he don't then you don't need negativity around your baby or you. My Baby's daddy was excited, i was the one who was a little upset..I had the "IUD" for about 5 years and So i was trying to prevent it... But it happened and so yeah i was the one who was upset. I think alot of men get scared of the word "baby" Why don't you try talking to your boyfriend to see what he is feeling and or wanting to do. You know alot of time when you get pregnant you dislike your partner. Well i wish you the best!

  2. well, you sound young, and he probably isnt ready.

    you just have to hope that when it comes down to it hes willing to be a man

    personally, my daughter will be 1 year on the 23rd

    and i have been exstatic since the day we took the test.

    my daughter is the most beautiful most important thing in my life.

    her smile still makes me cry sometimes

    i wish you the best of luck, all you can hope is that when his child is born he will see the beauty that i do

  3. Well I had two m/c's before I got pregnant with my daughter.  My husband really did not even bother with thinking I was pregnant because I was already showing signs of another m/c plus I had a lot of health complications.  Then came time to find out the s*x of the baby when I was 22 weeks pregnant.  That was the only doctors appt he went to.  We found out it was a girl, which is what we both wanted, and he was a little more into it.  He hated talking about it though.  Before she was born he bought her things, and picked out a cute summer dress and everything.  Still hated talking about the baby, and really hated shopping for her.  Then it came time for her to be born.  As soon as she was born, and he held her for the first time, thats when he was excited.  So dont worry if your partner is not all excited now, thats way normal for men.

  4. Holy... c**p sounds like bad news.... I can tell you that "you should talk to him sincerely" but sins u guys have been won't work and hey that's the guys reaction be ready for the worst when you give birth...  Hope for the best because based on what your saying. Your gonna raise the kid alone.. Ha ain't ready girl.

  5. Just give it time. We were young when we had our first (we still are actually lol) and we were scared for the first couple of months. He was ok with it but didnt actually get 'excited' til I went into labour. What can I say, men just dont seem to feel it as much as we do, the reality doesnt really hit for them til it's about to happen, whereas for us females, we can feel it all before the big day.

  6. to tell you the truth...

    fathers dont completly feel like... "Daddys"....untill they are holding their baby in their arms...its a connection thing...

  7. my husband and i had only been married for about 2 months when we found out we had just gottan pregnant. when i first told him. he was not happy. he was worried, and wasnt ready for it. it took him about 3 months before he stopped being a total prick about the situation. we really didnt get along during that first few months. he didnt really want to hear about anything that had to do with babies or pregnancies. once he finally came around he was very excited and loved to go out with me and pick out outfits, and then when he saw the ultrasound and saw our baby boy moving around he fell in total love. and now that child is the light of his life.  

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