
When was farming introduced to?

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when was farming introduced to native americans




  1. They were farming in prehistoric times. Long before they were called Native Americans or before it was called America.

  2. Agriculture started simultaneously in many cultures. some people believe that this could only have happened if an advanced civilization kicked started agriculture all over the world  . The natives have legends of gods supplying them with plants .They could be right.

  3. The first farming was by American Indians. The first American Indians arrived during the last ice age, approximately 20,000–30,000 years ago, passing from northeastern Siberia into Alaska over a land-bridge across the Bering Strait

    First farming:

    The first farming cultures, discovered at Bat Cave, New Mexico (3900 BC), grew maize as well as gathered plants. Maize agriculture spread slowly through the southwest. It was not until 250 BC that farming villages of Cochise culture (named after Cochise County, Arizona) are found and it is from these and certain Mexican influences that Mogollon, Hohokam, and Basketmaker-Pueblo (Anasazi) cultures derive

  4. they independently discovered farming 6 or 7 thousand years prior to the arrival of the Spanish in 1492.

  5. Native Americans were farming before Europeans invaded. Either (i) they brought farming with them across the land bridge from Asia (i.e., they farmed before they were Americans) or (ii) they invented farming themselves (i.e., it wasn't introduced to them).

  6. Rather than being introduced from the outside as happened with non-native-American crop species that were indeed introduced as a result of the Columbian Trade of farmed plants and animals, Native American cultures discovered agriculture independently since they crossed the Bering strait and settled and spread over the American continents.

    Those crop species have now spread world-wide constituting more than half of all crops produced globally. Some examples of farmed plants include maize (aka corn, narrow def) which was domesticated for farming as early as 7,000 BCE. [see ref. 2.] Other important crops domesticated by the Native American cultures include:

    pinto bean

    common beans

    tepary beans

    Lima beans

    the tomato

    the potatoes



    cocoa beans (for your Valentine's chocolate and latte)




    bell peppers



    chili pepper

    sunflower seeds




    certain cotton strains


    coca (for cocaine and coca cola by the old recipe)


    In conclusion, farming was discovered independently by Native American cultures starting as early as the the 7th millenium BCE and spread thru most parts of the Americas by 1,500 BCE, roughly 3,000 yrs before the Columbian expeditions set a foothold in the West Indies.

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