
When was fossil fuels first used as a source of energy?

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When was fossil fuels first used as a source of energy?




  1. I have a guess coal has been around a lot longer(as far as your assumption is concerned), as a smelting and blacksmithing heat source if nothing else.

  2. Coal used to be burned in medieval Britain, but certain kings outlawed it!

  3. In the early 1800s people used fossil fuels for running locomotives.


  4. Fossil fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and oil, were not used as a source of energy until the latter half of the 19th century. Prior to that, wind and water power were used for industrial mills.

    As the industrial revolution progressed, steam engines  were used to drive boats and factories, making the use of coal necessary. Widespread use of electricity for lighting was not needed until the transmission of electricity and the light bulb were made practical late in the 19th century. Coal power was the main form used by these early plants.

    Oil was used to power steam engines, but it wasn't until the 20th century and the invention of the internal combustion engine that its demand soared. After the 1950s, oil became the world's foremost fuel. The automobile and power plants in the United States created an enormous need for petroleum fuel. This demand has only increased to the present day.

  5. Ummm...I'm suprised nobody has gotten the correct answer.  Prehistoric man, even Neadertal used lumps of coal for fires (not charcoal, but coal).  So the fact is, fossil fuels have been being used by man since WELL before written history (to heat cook, make weapons and tools, hunt with, and wage wars).

    As for when were they massively used as in industrial...well look to China.  They were very advanced before the rest of the world...I'd say 5-7 thousand years ago.  If you mean the modern world industrial use, then reasearch the industrial revolution.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  6. It is assumed it happened at the beginning of 20th century.

    But I find, Sumerians, Mesopotomians have used some petroleum products.... Did they actually knew about crude oils and had oil wells? At least once and at least one place during their 2000 years of existence as one civilization?

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