
When was global warming first discovered?

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  1. Don't listen to any1 but Dr. Jello he's right. Global warming was discoverd in the 1980's and has been a big this since the government picked up the data collected by MANY different scientist all over the world collecting information on this thing called Global Warming. When their accusations were declared as true. Many people started to come up w/ways to stop global warming. If we do not stop global warming in 100 years....ONLY A 100 YEARS the world we not be as we know. It's already starting. Animals and plants have been moving to the poles. The glaciers are melting. There are more heat ways than cold fronts. And i would know i live in freackin ARIZONA. Citys built on water like Venice are sinking. And you know the biggest thing that we know global warming is in fact real is that there's a big freakin HOLE in the ozone layer!!!!!!!! In 1988 the hole was as big as the United States. NOW it's as big as 2 United States combined plus Mexico. If  you don't believe look it up. I just did a humongous project on it for my Chemistry project. It's soooooooo scary to think the world could be gone before our great great grandkids are even born.....

  2. Depending on where you lived, global warming was first discovered when the Little Ice Age ended, in most areas that was in the early 1800s. Oddly enough, the Little Ice Age lowest temperatures coincided with the Maunder Minimum, a low point in solar activity. I'm sure it's just a coincidence since obviously my lighting a fire or using electricity has a much bigger effect on the temperature than the huge ball of fire that is sometimes in the sky.

  3. The 1970s, it's real and I'm afraid.

  4. Somewhere in 1980's

  5. The first person to have predicted that emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels would cause a global warming is considered to be S.Arrhenius, who published in 1896 the paper 'On the influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground'.

    That atmospheric carbon dioxide was actually increasing was confirmed beginning in the 1930s, and convincingly beginning in the 1950 s when highly accurate measurement techniques were developed (the most famous demonstration of this is in C.D.Keeling's record at Mauna Loa, Hawaii). By the 1990s, it was widely accepted (but not unanimously so) that the Earth's surface air temperature had warmed over the past century. An ongoing debate is whether such a warming can, in fact, be attributed to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    The link below was very insightful:)


  6. It's been going on forever, funny thing is-- we have broken the record for coldest days and biggest snow fall. Global warming is a hoax. The world has it's cycles and it'll continue on it's path.

    With that said, we are still damaging the earth, you can't help it, we are living on it.

  7. It hasn't been discovered yet. Global warming is a THEORY. And a bad one at that. Anybody here remember Y2K? or killer bees? or the deforestation of the world? or the vanishing ozone layer? what about second hand smoke? global cooling? acid rain?

    All of these at one time promised to destroy the world and all have been thoroughly debunked. But they were a wonderful vehicle for getting money and power. Global warming is merely the latest in a series of predicted disasters based on wild speculation and media hype.

    Few people realize the true danger is the return of dragons. But I have a plan. If people will only send me millions of dollars and elect me to office and give me the power to control their lives then I will avert this disaster. Trust me. Why would I lie?

  8. Dr. Jim Hansen of NASA first put out the idea that we were entering into a period of global cooling in the 1970's.

    After this failed to get traction in the marketplace, he switched to global warming, and his idea took hold as people were buying into the idea.  Since then, he has made millions off of this scam.

    This scam started in the early 1980's.  Before that, no one even heard of "Global Warming".

  9. At the same minute it appeared that plenty of money can be made by fooling people, usually in form of substitute products of higher price.

    Goverments are all exited because of the endless taxing possibilities. No needs for explaining anything, the consept "saving the enviroment" is holy itself.

  10. its all fake, don tbelive them, think about this, see the heat can be blocked out, it is also blocked in so we arent warming up anways, its just us that is making heat hat makes algore think that

  11. Long before it was called Anthropogenic Global Warming it was known as The Greenhouse Effect.  And the time is closer to the 60's than the 80's.  Try searching names like Dr. Corel, he was one of the first researchers to document the Greenhouse Effect.  There is no such thing as a Dr. Jello, don't believe a word of whatever comes out his cranial sphincter.

  12. Jello is probably correct-------

    However I can't help but believe it was discovered during a Grateful Dead concert in 1973 in San Francisco.

    The Ozone Hole has absolutely NOTHING to do with the GW discussion --- it was caused by CFCs which have long ago been abandoned. Scientists believe that given several more decades the hole will repair itself (not actually a HOLE just a depleted ozone concentration)-- however natural releases of Chlorine can produce a "hole" of shorter duration.

  13. it was first postulated around the turn of the last century but was discounted when the global cooling period from the mid 1940s to the early 1970s was assumed to be caused from the vast burning of fossil fuel stocks & citys during the second world war.

    in the past 30 or so years we have come up with another theory to disguise the fact that we are clueless about what really drives the climate but generations of scientists have been supported in a comfortable manor by the research & more generations need even more money to continue the studies in the future or they will have to get an actual job or become politicians to support themselves.  robbing banks is considered too dangerous for such superior people & there might be actual work involved in robbing a bank.

  14. its gore is an idiot

    like the guy said above me.....we had global cooling 30 years ago, and now global warming.........its a great way to make $$$$

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