
When was last time you had your supper or brunch ??

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When was last time you had your supper or brunch ??




  1. do you mean out for both or have them at home?

    eaten out ages ago ...............

    at home yesterday

  2. supper-last night

    brunch-never o.0

  3. the time now here 5.00pm with sun shining .i had ny lunch 4 hrs.4 pm a cup of shorp my night meal light ?

  4. YesterdaY

  5. I had supper last night about 7:00 pm.  I am making Lunch right now, it's 2:13 pm.  I'm late because I had to mow the grass earlier today.

  6. Well, I had spaghetti for supper last night, and brunch? Well, I'd have to say that the last time I had brunch was 10 mo. ago when I was 8 mo. pregnant with triplets and decided to go out with my girlfriends =]

  7. My last supper was last night at 5:30pm central time and it was meatball subs with a sprite.  I don't to have brunch, I don't have any friends in the city I live in, I am a stay at home mom.  But unless you want to count that it would be at McDonald's and it was Wednesday at lunch time we all had fun.

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