
When was...................?

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the first time you had something from Mc Donald's and when was the last time you had something from Mc Donald's?




  1. The first time maybe when I was 5 back in 1969 and last time was last week...

  2. I have no idea how old I was when I first ate at McDonald's. The last time was about a month ago. I try to only go when I have a random craving..Which is once in a blue moon.

  3. first time was when i was real little, like maybe 4 or so. i used to love mcdonalds. the last time i had it was a week ago. the only reason i had it though was cuz we were on a road trip and there was nothing else around. i hate mcdonalds though. its really nasty, imo.

  4. 1st time can't remember last time was last night!

  5. I must have been pretty young, I don't remember that very first hamburger, but I do remember the last time I ate there. Just four hours ago!

  6. i was maybe 3 and the last time was maybe 2-3 years ago

  7. the first time was when i was 13 and that was the last time i ever had it.

  8. prob when i was 4 but now i try not too cause i smells weird in there, most are dirty, and i dont realy like the idea of eating stale food that has been shipped from kansas (or wherever mcd is located).

    i ate at mcdonalds about 2 months ago cause it was the only restaurant... or building.... in the unincorporated town i was in.

  9. I cant remember the last time was probably a month or two ago, i try to stay away from there (i have heard stories from friends who worked there.)

  10. What? Well I can't remember the firs time but I haven't had it in about 3 years.

  11. I have no idea when the first time was... the last time was a few weeks ago. But I try to avoid their hamburgers; i usually get chicken selects.

  12. First time 1979 in Cali. Last time was last Tuesday in UK.

  13. When i was about 5 was the first time, and apart from coffee i haven't had anything from there in about two years cos its not even nice.

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