
When was "emo" developed and how did it spread?

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I'm not emo or anything and I don't really care about emo people (just in case your thinking I'm offending you in some way) but how did this whole thing with "emos" start?




  1. emo is kind a hairstlye in the Korean people and some of the rocker like fallout boys, green day etc of course the fans copy their hairstyle. And when the teens finds it nice to have that style many of them copy and spreads....

  2. I guess it just sorta started to come about with all those bands like Fall Out Boy and others that screamed and sang whiny songs? This stuff became popular on mainstream music channels and the radio. Also, Myspace got really popular so a lot of people started camwhoring with emo band fashion. I'm not really sure where the word came from, but a lot of people say it's emotional (pfft sure)...

    People probably got like that from the music which was sad for them so they became depressed and began to dress that way too.

    Also, most of them probably weren't able to dress goth so this was a lighter fashion that could be more easily accepted by family.

  3. well emo is kind of a form of goth. At least I guess so. The goths were barbarians in Rome I think they were like the Huns they attacked people and blah blah blah. The reason they were called the goths was because they wore all black to blend into the night. That is why people sterotype people who wear all black as "goth" people. Then later they seemed to be so sad that they were "emo" aka emotional. I don't think anyone knows how that started, but that's how the whole goth thing started and one led to another. Because to everyone black is a color or sorrow and pain I guess.

  4. Didn't they evolve from punks in the 70s to New Wavers in the 80s?  Good question.

  5. Emo is a style of hardcore punk which describes several variations of music with common roots and associated fashion and stereotype. In the mid-1980s, the term emo described a subgenre of hardcore punk which originated in the Washington, D.C. music scene. In later years, the term emocore, short for "emotional hardcore", was also used to describe the emotional performances of bands in the Washington, D.C. scene and some of the offshoot regional scenes such as Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and later, Moss Icon. (In more recent years, the term "emotive hardcore" entered the lexicon to describe the period.)

    Starting in the mid-1990s, the term emo began to refer to the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. Bands including Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas Is the Reason had a more indie rock style of emo, more melodic and less chaotic. The so-called "indie emo" scene survived until the late 1990s, as many of the bands either disbanded or shifted to mainstream styles. As the remaining indie emo bands entered the mainstream, newer bands began to emulate the mainstream style. As a result, the term "emo" became a vaguely defined identifier rather than a specific genre of music.

    Emo has been identified by various media sources as a subculture, it is also often associated with a certain fashion; although it is unclear as to whether the contemporary fashion directly emerged from Emo music's original fashion image or whether Emo was ever identified with any particular clothing, since the mid-80's. Today, however, the term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts (sometimes short sleeved) which often bear the names of emo bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses.

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