
When was the French revolution?

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When was the French revolution?




  1. Not long after that dumb Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake" when what people really wanted was meat and bread.

    However, on July 14, 1789, the Bastille was stormed, marking the start of the French Revolution.

  2. Which French revolution??? There is 3.

    1.1789: Storming of the Bastille

    2.1830: July Revolution

    3.1848: Revolutions of 1848 in France.

    Internet links

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  3. They still are revolting but I think the civil war was 1787/8 till 1799 or there abouts.

  4. haha thios must be a joke. um okay lets gonna guess the answer is that there never was one because the french cant fight for c**p

  5. 1789 when the French people where fed up of the hunger they had, while at the castles big parties where going on.

    Surprised they got beheaded? Still Robespierre the one who gave the orders was not all that clean.

    Most of the beheading found place near the Bastille, now it's called Place de la Concorde.

    There's only one stone left of the Bastille they left in as remembrance of the liberation of France.

  6. Which one?

  7. the french revolution started in 1789 tell 1799 i belive.

  8. At what stage?  The French Revolution was a gradual thing.  You might want to check and look up exact dates.  However, some historians fight over dates.  I believe most historians believe the official date is when Marie was taken to the Bastille.

    I might suggest a book Knight of the Masion Rouge to you.  It actually gives you the "real" story into Marie Antionette.  She was a very misunderstood individual in history.  The book is historical fiction,however Alexander Dumas seems to have his accounts pretty accurate.

    Good luck

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