
When was the Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

by  |  earlier

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  1. 1977, the police stopped me to tell me that one of my brake lights was out.

  2. Last Christmas, it was a random breath test, passed with flying colors.

  3. Memorial Day weekend.  Speeding in Missouri.

  4. About 6 months ago I got stopped for speeding on the freeway.

  5. Not entirely sure.  It's been a while...............I think it was several years ago in GA.  I was stopped for a broken taillight.  I've also been pulled over in Mexico several times.  That's an adventure but not bad if you speak Spanish.....the Mexican Police really aren't that bad (at least they treated me well).  My wife was stopped a year ago for having an expired tag and I was in the car with her.  She didn't get a ticket.

  6. never been pulled over or stopped.

  7. I have never been pulled over by cops darling lol

  8. last week when I took my missus out for tea. cops pulled us up because they said we ran a red light. straight away my missus got on the phone and called our friend, hes an environmental lawyer but they didn't know that, and told him we had been pulled up and the reason and asked him to get the tapes to prove we hadn't run a red light because there were three cars in front of us and at least another two behind us but we were the ones to get pulled up. my lady has a sharp sharp mind. after hearing what she said cops said they would let us off with a warning if we didn't run anymore red lights. my darling lady said she wouldn't lay discrimination and harrassment charges and tell our story to the national news if they didn't pull over anymore brown people driving flash cars. shes got big kahunas too my lady.

  9. last week for speeding - verbal warning

  10. When I was in Japan they asked to see my alien card to verify if I was in the country legally.

    The looks on their faces were priceless when I showed them my Japanese Passport LOL it was a mixture of fear,bewilderment,and shock.

    Dual citizenship FTW!!!

    I could have gotten them fired for that haha

    Little tip about Japan if your a citizen you can complain. If your not you have close to no rights so don't bother complaining cuz they will just deport your butt rather than having to deal with you.

  11. A few weeks back.  I used to get stopped and pulled over all the time because I used to be a PI conducting surveillances in neighborhoods.  Neighbors would see my car parked for hours and days on end and become suspicious of my presence.  Even though I would notify the PD I would be conducting surveillances, they still had to swing by and double check.  Never got in trouble for that or anything however.  I had the proper credentials and they let me be.

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