
When was the Spitfire first designed???

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a needy student.




  1. 1934 and it was taken from the 1931 Schneider Trophy winner.The first prototype flew in '36 and went into production in '37. Operational in '38

  2. The spitfire was designed in the mid 1940'S.  It was known for its manuverability and speed.  WW2 pilots could do things in it that couldn't be done in other planes of the time.  Although it wasn't the very fastist WW2 airplane, its manuverability let it decelerate very quickly and it often was victorius against faster aircraft bucause it could slow too near stall speed and then accelerate and come up behind faster planes that the Germans had at the time.

  3. The radical Supermarine Spitfire was designed by R.J. Mitchell, who died of cancer before it went into combat.  The prototype first flew in March 1936, the first production airplane rolled out in June 1936, and the last "Spit" was made in 1946.

    I never flew one, but I took part in mock "dogfights" with one while flying a P-51.  The Spitfire's performance was startling, and I have to say the P-51 was outclassed.  Of course I was an airline pilot, not a fighter pilot, and a better pilot might not have been so easily "shot down" by the Spitfire.

    But they were impressive, and still hold many records for piston engine propeller airplanes.  A few are still flying, but the number is dwindling.

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