
When was the first computer created and since when did computer games become a preferred childhood leisure?

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When was the first computer created and since when did computer games become a preferred childhood leisure?




  1. No you are wrong, kids like console games better than computer games. I was the only one of my friends when I was kid ( not that long ago I'm only 17) that played computer games at all.But I still played console games. It's only a preferred childhood leisure because parents are lazy and fat and setting the pathway for their children to be the same. And as seeing how about 60% of adults are either overweight or obese, THERE'S your answer.

  2. It's widely believed that Eckert and Mauchley (not sure of correct spelling) developed the first system we would call a real "computer" at the Moore School of Engineering at the University of Philadelphia.  But they were basing their work on earlier designs, including tabulating machines from Hollerith and calculating "engines" from people like Charles Babbage.  I don't know that computer games HAVE become the preferred childhood leisure, at least not what parents should prefer.

  3. The first home computer I remember was Commodore 64.  Kids loved them and everyone wanted one.  It was about 1982, I think.


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