
When was the first ever ship built and by who?

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When was the first ever ship built and by who?




  1. There is no answer as others have mentioned.  

    There was no Noah, and no Noahs ark.  Noah's ark is fictional story created to help sell the value of organized religion. Even if there was an ark, it was certainly not the first ship built, as there were civilzations before jewish/chirstian religion who lived near water.

    There are so many idiots on the web, good grief.

  2. Just recently, archaeological evidence has been brought to light that HomoErectus built rafts and travelled between the islands of Indonesia.  That's sometime up to 2,000,000 years ago

    (I left the space out of the Latin name because otherwise the first word get censored by Yahoo Answers .)

  3. ocean going vessles of various kinds have been around since atleast the dawn of human civilization. ( thats more than 10,000 years ago). There are probably older boats than that.

  4. Interesting question, and there is no defining moment when the ship was invented.

    It is about classification and a log floating downstream, might be deemed a boat.

    However I do know the largest ship building company in the world today is that very well known car company, and little known big ship builder, HYUNDAI

  5. The first ship in the world was built by Grag the Inventor in the year 46,000 BCE, because he needed a way to sail three miles offshore, so he could gamble outside the territorial waters of the Wahooni Tribe.

  6. Although there are records of boats going back 4 thousand years, i think Noah built the first "ship" two of every animal on earth plus food and water, must have been a very big ship.

  7. I would have thought this was an impossible question to answer, if you mean the first man who built a boat and sailed it.

  8. A ship is bigger than a boat, the first account of a large ship was Noah's Arc in the bible

  9. They've been around for a long time.  The Phoenicians had ships, but they probably weren't the first.

  10. hey that's easy! noah built this arch thing. i know i know but you asked the question

  11. By whom!

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