
When was the first time..?

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When was the first time in history that a society or group of people revolted against their nation in the name of freedom from hierarchy?




  1. The first use of the word "hierarchy" cited by the Oxford English Dictionary was in 1880, when it was used in reference to the three orders of three angels as depicted by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. Pseudo-Dionysius used the word both in reference to the celestial hierarchy and the ecclesiastical hierarchy. [5] His term is derived from the Greek for 'Bishop' (hierarch), and Dionysius is credited with first use of it as an abstract noun. Since hierarchical churches, such as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, had tables of organization that were "hierarchical" in the modern sense of the word (traditionally with God as the pinnacle of the hierarchy), the term came to refer to similar organizational methods in more general settings.

  2. William Wallace and Scotland comes to mind, but I am sure that there is a precedent.

    The gnostics made a silent revolt against the pistics and Constantine.

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