
When was the good old days?

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When was the good old days?




  1. A generation is traditionally measured as a period of 25 years. So any given generation is usually referring to the time when they were at school compared to their children, or when they were teens compared to their children, or when they were new workers or when they were new parents etc. It takes a few years to earn the authority to say "when I was young" so you can't really carry it off when you are 30 and referring to high school if you see what I mean! :o)

    Having said that, the years following the end of Word War II are often referred to in the UK as a Golden Age of collectivism and social justice..... but you only have to take a closer look to discover it was pretty superficial.

  2. The good old days was when people knew how to write properly and make the subjects agree wif their verbs.  Thasswhen they was/were.

  3. When i was at high school! Everything was more simple then! (plus mum & dad paid for EVERYTHING!!!) ♥ღ♥

  4. When i was younger

  5. There never were any "Good Ole' Days" really. Change is a scary thing for most humans. They tend to view the "prime" of their life as the prime of the world. So in memory they gloss over the bad, highlight the good.

    When time moves on and age settles in and they slow down people claim that "The world has really changed from the good ole' days!" and it may have.

    The important thing is people stop changing with it.

  6. about twenty years before the question is asked

  7. Yesterday

  8. the 90's

  9. They are the former 'difficult present times' painted over with a lot of nostalgia.

  10. 1090 to 1091

  11. to me..back in the 50's/60' my parents..the 40's and 50' my grand parents earlier than my grown up kids..probably the 80' changes from generation to generation

  12. if i say the 60s early 70s ...

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