
When was the ku klux klan organized?

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When was the ku klux klan organized?




  1. I don't know...why are you asking?

  2. It devolped (sp??) in Tennessee at first by veterans of the Civil War on the Confederates side (Great going, Pres. Andrew Johnson!) around 1865. At first it was mostly about opposing the reconstruction plan (which by the way, great job Pres. Andrew Johnson once again) and were against Northers who came to the south (some to live, others to take advantage of the poor conditions in the south) and they later became known as carpetbaggers, etc. They also adopted violence quickly and one of the original members who found it (If I remember correctly) actually didn't like the use of violence and disbanded it. President Grant finally took a stand with the Civil Rights Act of 1871 and they were virtually destroyed. Then around WWI, the Klan started again, but this time it was against the newly arrived immigrants. So by this time, the Klan wasn't just against Blacks, they were against Jews,  Catholics, Communist, etc. Around the 1920s, I think they reached their highest peek. But the Klan also became popular during the Civil Rights Movement during the 50s and 60s.  

  3. The late 1800's to suppress non-WASP's, (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.)

  4. Around 1865 but I want to say it was something like a gentleman's club at the time I am not sure how extreme they were in the beginning .

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