
When was the last time America was out of national debt?

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My parents and I have this arguement constantly, and I finally want to put it to rest =)




  1. Andrew Jackson was the only president to pay off the national debt!

    one reason he was able to do that is because he was against renewing the charter of the national bank like the federal reserve system. the founding fathers were against this as well. because they kew the people would lose their liberties to the international banks!

    if you read the Federal Reserve Act passed by the proun Pregessive Liberal's in 1913. You find out that the american people CAN NEVER PAY OFF THE PRINCIPLE they can only pay the interest and that has to be in gold!

    So for all the people that say, bill clinton balanced the budget that B  S if you read the 14th Amendment it tells you you can not pay the debt off.

    what you have to understand is that the United States went bankrupt in 1932. A nation that goes bankrupt, the government is disolved and the holder in due course of the bankrupty rans the country.

    this is why our political leaders are always talking about our Demrocary when our founding fathersgive us a Republic form of government, do see the demrocary any where in the constitution?

    the Federal Reserve System is owned by 13 banking cartels who are holder in due course of the bankrupty.

    Now you why

    we have public policy instead of public law

    we have staturoy law now which is human behavior code instead of Common law, which the Constitution is and its supposely the law of the land.

    check out the bankruptcy of the United States!

  2. When Bill Clinton left Office, there was a budget surplus.

  3. Roughly before World War II

  4. When Clinton was in office.

  5. January 8, 1835  Under Andrew Jackson the debt was briefly paid off.

    I notice that a lot of people were saying "Under Bill Clinton"... which is incorrect for two reasons.

    First, of all the BUDGET DEFICIT was erased NOT the National Debt. Those are two very different things. The Deficit is the difference in each individual years budget between what the tax collectors bring in and what Congress spends.

    Note that it is what CONGRESS spends.  The President can not and does not spend a single dime of government money. (Article 1, Section 8, U.S. Constiution. Section 8. "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

    To borrow money on the credit of the United States;


    To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; ....)

    And if you look hard at the numbers, you can see that the U.S. hasn't had a ballanced budget since 1957 under Eisenhower , despite what CNN say..

    check this out.

  6. Before WWII

  7. The last time the national debt was retired in total was during the Coolidge Administration when we retired the cost of fighting World War One. The Great Depression soon followed. Since the time of our independence from Great Britain, each time we have retired the national debt in total it was followed by a depression or financial panic.  

  8. About 1938, and for you that think CLINTON didn't add to it think again.  

  9. currently 7 billion (sorry i meant trillion not billion) dollars with china.

    who ever gave me thumbs down do your research. America is in deep debt. get that straight

  10. Yea, probably Andrew Jackson, the most successful thing he did in his Presidency...that's what it said on the History Channel, but online it said he only pay off most of it...

    To Brianna, that's probably because the Republicans actually did something in their terms rather than the Democrats who did nothing.

    Like Clinton, how he could have prevent 9/11 by going to war early and stopping Osama bin Laden when he was in charge of the US embassy bombing in 1998 which killed like 200 people.

  11. There has always been a National Debt.

    Scroll down to the History section.

  12. I remember hearing that Andrew Jackson had eliminated the National Debt, but not for long.

  13. Probably before the World Wars started.

    You might find this chart I found interesting.  

  14. When Clinton managed to get Congress to balance the federal budget during his presidency, the United States was technically out of debt.

  15. Remember how the dinosours were wiped out? It was in those magical days


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