
When was the last time a copper beat you up?

by  |  earlier

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And what did you do about it?




  1. Personally, I'm still waiting.

    When was the last time you provided 'an excuse'  for one ...I really can't help but wonder ...?


  2. Never thankfully.

  3. uh nevr cuz im not a criminal? how boutt u stop drug drealing and being a CRIMINAL and mayb they wont beat you uP? yep thizz is the bst answer!

  4. never

  5. mid to late 80's, he nearly strangled me!! he arranged to have the charges dropped(just enough time for the nail marks to go) then i was charged later on, it was a real con!! the Barst had many cases of violence against him!! i was trouble back then but it didn't warrant this sort of attack!!

  6. I wasn't beaten up, but my husband shot a wood pigeon and for that I was publicly harassed by a local PC in my front garden to the amusement of passersby for nearly 3/4 hour. I was accused of luring song birds down for my husband to shoot (because I put out seed and water for them) and he used a video camera to film us covertly. I was 67 at the time and my husband was 72.

    He shot the pigeon in desperation because it was roosting in a tree over our drive, turning it into a skating rink with bird droppings, and during the day, taking a direct flight path over my washing line with obvious consequences.

    When we complained about the PC, we were visited by a Police Inspector who persuaded me to sign a form agreeing that I would not pursue the complaint with the PCC.

    Of course, when we'd had bicycles stolen from our locked garage (they were shackled to the floor), a few years before, the police weren't interested, as you can imagine.

    As a result of this, I have absolutely no respect or trust for the police.

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