
When was the last time someone you knew used the phrase 'socially retarded' when talking about homeschoolers?

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It hasn't happened to me in a while since I've been laying low about the homeschooling thing, but when it happens it cracks me up. It used to tick me off, but now it's just sort of funny.

'Socially retarded' is such a clinical term, and the people using it are usually knuckleheads.

Not really a question, but I felt like asking anyway.




  1. I hear that term all the time..BUT i kind of usually hear it as a joke...The last I heard it was from a former friend after we got in a fight...

  2. Give me a break!!!! As if we want our kids to be socialized in public school!!!

  3. I have only heard it here on Yahoo! Answers.

    The thing that really cracks me up is these people say homeschooler's don't learn social skills and then they show how "wonderful" their own social skills are by chewing us out.

  4. I don't think we've ever heard it couched quite like that, lol.

    The statement that currently cracks me up is, "But what about MATH???"

    All the best.

  5. I've never heard someone say "socially retarded"...oh wait, yes I have, my mother, when she found out her grandson was being homeschooled.  THAT was a fun conversation.  Not.  :)

    Actually, my favorite was when we were checking out Boy Scout Troops, and one of the leaders found we <<gasp>>  HOMESCHOOLED.  "So the social part of Scouts must be REALLY important for you, right?  Because you have no other way to get that?"  

    Yeah.  lol...

  6. my kids have been homeschooled their whole lives (my oldest is 17) and we have never had that one thrown at us and if we did we would just point out all the glaring, obvious flaws with public education.  people's ignorance continues to amaze me.

  7. In my opinion, the word 'retarded' is not a nice word.  I think by using that term a person shows that they  need an education  including how to  express themselves in society.  Therefore, should a person use that term to describe how they feel about homeschooling, they are showing their own need for an education in several areas of life, including their own social life.    

    Added thought:   I heard a speaker at a conference talk about 'socialization' and homeschoolers eventually find out that when people ask about socialization, they are actually asking about the prom.  It boils down to they have the mindset that if a young person misses the prom, they have been deprived of a vital element of life.   I went to public school and about 25% of my class in public school students chose not to go to the prom.  

    Have I ever heard the term in face to face conversation?  No.

    Have I ever heard the term in public forums?  No.

    The only place I've heard the term has been in Yahoo Answers.

  8. In my last English class.  We were discussing education, everyone else in the class had gone to public school except for me, and some girl was commenting on how I didn't 'appear' socially retarded from homeschooling.  Duh.  I almost always led class discussions because no one else ever wanted to talk.  It was almost like she was inferring that I was socially retarded, but I had just learned how to hide it or something.  It's ok.  I had the highest grade in the class so I'm not complaining.  =)

  9. Besides when it is said by trolls here? Not at all. I guess that is because I have surrounded myself with home school supporters. I really don't want to hang around those who don't support what we do with our kids.

    Most people are too polite to say that to your face it is something that most would say behind the persons back.  

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