
When was the last time something bad happened to you, & you had to "suck it up & deal w/ it"? What happened?

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When was the last time something bad happened to you, & you had to "suck it up & deal w/ it"? What happened?




  1. thats been happening to me for the past 2 or 3 months

  2. Contracted some mysterious life threatening illness that did a number on my body, causing me to have several major high-risk surgeries, and was not expected to survive.  Never underestimate the will to live.

  3. I had to go in to surgery and lose 3 weeks of pay and I have all my bills do.. but what can you do but suck it up and deal with it.

  4. Last year in March. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Over my cousin house, when his house got raided. I went to jail for a little over 30 days before, I was cleared. Had to suck it up, since I had little to no money for a good attorney. I would have been out there in 2 days if I had one.

  5. last year. mother sued me for the stuff she left when she moved to another state. said she didn't want the stuff but then sued me for it after she moved.

  6. Yesterday. At a Labor Day party and there was a woman there that I cannot stand. She talks abhout herself all the time and is so obnoxious. But I did suck it up, dealt with it and everything was fine...

  7. Well, it wasn't the last time, but one time my g/f and one of my "best friends" fucked each other. She got pregnant, yet because of circumstances, I had to remain "friends" with both of them...

  8. like yesterday. i'd rather not say.

  9. two months ago when my grandma died i had to suck it & deal b/c my mom and aunt needs me to be strong so i act like it dosent hurt and when it's just me and God  i cry  

  10. Well, it wasn't the last time, but one time my g/f and one of my "best friends" ****** each other. She got pregnant, yet because of circumstances, I had to remain "friends" with both of them...

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