
When was the last time that a ticket was successful that had two 'Westerners' on it?

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We got McCain (AZ) and Palin (AK) together on a ticket. What was the last successful ticket with two 'Westerners' (we'll make it broad and say two people from West of the Mississippi)?

Bush/Cheney might count if we exclude the fact that Bush is from Connecticut. So before them, what was the last double-Western ticket?

Best answer will go to someone who talks about what this might mean for politics in the future.




  1. It doesn't make any difference what part of the country our candidates are from.  You are suggesting that our side of the US is not as important as the East.  Get a life.

  2. Last time I checked, AZ and AK were a part of our country too. That's why it's called the UNITED states of America.

  3. republicans on the east coast are not happy, they think westerners are nutty, even republican ones!

    how can you blame them? (e.g arnold schwarzenegger)

  4. Eisenhower/ Nixon for sure

    Johnson /Humphrey maybe depending upon which side of the Minnesota  Mississippi Humphrey is from

  5. Everybody from west of the Mississippi gets progressively more insane by volume. Only the crazy people went on the frontier. So, I don't know that two westerners aren't more than this nation can handle. Still, I'm voting that ticket.  

  6. Bush/Cheney.  Bush is more Texan than Connecticut-ian.

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