
When was the last time the Brooklyn Brawler was in a wrestling match?

by Guest33105  |  earlier

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When was the last time the Brooklyn Brawler was in a wrestling match?




  1. He still wrestles is some of the lesser known indies

  2. Good question. I think he may have particpated in the 15th Raw Anniversary Battle Royal. Could be wrong though.  

  3. I've seen him on alot alot of those fundraiser type wrestling promotions raising money for firehouses and schools with Doink the Clown and afew others.  

  4. I dont know cause he sucks @ss

  5. Actually, he still wrestling, your g*y

  6. The last WWE match that the Brooklyn Brawler (as the Brooklyn Brawler) was in was on December 18, 2006...  he was in a 30-Man battle royal for the #1 Contendership on Raw.

    The last WWE match that Steve Lombardi (the guy who played the Brooklyn Brawler) was in was on June 2, 2007, as Doink the Clown, teaming with Eugene and Kane vs. Umaga, Kevin Thorn, and Viscera...  as a "freak show match" at Saturday Night's Main Event.

    Steve Lombardi's last appearance in the WWE was at the 15th Anniversary Raw as Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz, the early incarnation of the Brooklyn Brawler...

    There's the last time for him in every aspect you could get out of the WWE.  His last real match was in the independants, but as he's not legitimately "retired" we can't say he's had his last match yet.

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