
When was the last time the US had problems with an enemy that wasn't originally armed by the US?

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Iraq, Iran, bin Laden....once our allies who we loaded up with arms and cash.

Is this a pattern for failure?




  1. We supplied French-Indo-China in the '40's and 50's, when they won their freedom from France, later changing their name to Vietnam. The North Vietnamese government broke away and became communist and were supplied by China. North Korea was supplied by the USSR and China. But really, we have supported nearly every country in the world since our creation in 1776. Those we haven't supplied or supported, we gone in and rebuilt, so they could turn around a few years later and attack us. I say we stop helping them and help ourselves.

    If We'd been empirical we would own most of Earth now.  

  2. Iraq - as an old Soviet ally, they were armed by the Soviets including their chemical and biological weapons.  

  3. 1812 is closest to home... Canadians and the British BURNED DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE!


  4. We were involved much sooner in Iraq then most people realize:

    "There is no better way to govern Iran than democracy and social justice."

    Mohammad Mossadegh, democratically-elected leader of Iran (overthrown by the CIA on August 19, 1953) See him as Time magazine's Man of the Year(1951)

  5. Probably the Korean War if you're talking about major wars. North Korea was supported by the USSR and PRC.

    The Allied Powers, including the USA, directly funded and equipped Ho Chi Minh and his guerrilla fighters in French Indochina to fight against Japan and Vichy France in World War II. Later during the Iran-Iraq War (1980 - 1988) the U.S. supported and armed Saddam Hussein's Iraq with not just conventional weapons but also WMDs (chemical weapons), and they secretly sold weapons to the radical Islamic state in Iran. During this period the US also funded and armed the Afghan mujahideen to fight the Soviet Union, which spawned groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the early 90s.

  6. Sometimes we supply them and then even let 'em hit us.

  7. Today's enemies were yesterdays freedom fighters.

  8. Great question. It won't be many.

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