
When was the last time the redsox and the yankees made a trade with each other and who were the players

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  1. I only remember that the yankees aquired Johnny Damon

  2. a week ago. the red sox traded vince carter for t******e fernandez

  3. The only one that matters was ruth for 25,000.  they havent traded since.

  4. Other than Free Agency there's:

    Colter Bean who was drafted by the Red Sox from the Yankees on 12/15/2003 in the rules 5 draft and returned to the Yankees on 03/18/2004.

    The last actual trade of players was:

    8/13/1997 when the Yankees traded Tony Armas and a player to be named later to Red Sox in exchange for Mike Stanley and Randy Brown; the Red Sox received Jim Mecir on 9/29/97 to complete the trade.

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