
When was the last time you've been ripped off?

by Guest64693  |  earlier

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I purchased the safety grab gripper with suction that is suppose to stick to the wall without being nailed. What a rip off. The minute I attached it, it fell on the floor. I am taking it back.




  1. When I went to the farmer's market and shopped at a different vendor from the ones that I usually go to. Found that he put bruised peaches under the good ones in the bag.No wonder his prices were so low!

  2. Last month when I hired a man to install flooring. He ruined it and it had to be installed again. I'm going to sue that moron!

  3. I never received the large print Readers Digest ordered for my mother on ebay. i as scammed with at least fifty others.

    Live and learn i guess.

    Fondly, Juju

  4. Last week we purchased a game for the computer. Would not play on 3 different computers. Took it back to Target and all they would do is exchange it. No refunds. So I got another one and then because of copy right laws they said, they had to open that one before I could leave the store. Now I have another game that I cannot use and I am still out the 20 bucks. Don't know why it won't play. Company of Heroes for sale. LOL

  5. Today when I bought ten tortillas for $4.50. caramba!

  6. In our local drug store they have a whole shelf of that "as seen on t.v." junk which my husband loves. Needless to say none of these products work, but he just cant seem to resist buying them. If you see it on t.v. it must work, right?

  7. wendys fast food this pm

  8. I'd have to say whenever I fuel up at the gas station. ouch.

  9. Touche two, Lost Soul . .  .every time Clarabell, my car, gets thirsty ! !  And thanks Big John for "caramba". . .haven't heard that in years ! !

  10. Touche lost soul

  11. Whenever I pull up to the gas pump.

  12. Just this past week and I doubt it'll be the last time. I'm too gullible and trusting. Thanks for asking that particular question, I was tempted to order a couple.

  13. Bought that little battery-operated can opener that moves around the can right after my carpal surgery. It was fantastic...while it worked! After a few short months, and just enough time that it couldn't be returned, it simply died. Of course!!!

  14. Mine was more personal. A person we thought was a friend asked if she could stay with us for a while. We agreed & she moved into our spare room. After a month or two, she was having pain & had to go to the hospital for a major back operation. I visited her almost every day, bought her candy, crossword puzzle books, & a personal cd player. When she was released, I became her personal nurse. I drove her to her doctor & therapy appointments, put food she could easily reach & microwave on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Anyway, I looked at her as the sister I never had.

    Well, one of her other friends said that she won tickets to a comedian, & wanted her to go along. She wasn't supposed to be in a car for more than 1/2 at a time. The friend was several hours away. She said she was going to meet her friend at another of the friend's relatives about 1/2 hour away. I knew she was taking way too many clothes for a weekend.

    In short, she lied to me, after all I'd done for her. She even refused to give me the address where she was staying. I was really hurt. I still am. I'm finding it hard to trust anyone like that again. I don't expect her to kiss my butt; I would just like her to say that she's sincerely sorry for using & hurting me.

  15. not ripped off but not good either ----so far. Needed a hearing test as sound is becoming not clear. Advised that if I signed a contract I would not need to pay the $45 for the visit unless I didn't want to go through with it ! Have since paid the $45 as intend to shop around to see what is available and compare prices as these can change dramatically even with the same equipment depending on the supplier's costs. Still upset with myself for being tempted with this so called reduction on the spur of the moment grrrr !

  16. Last month. I wrote a check for $100.00 sent it for a credit card payment. Someone changed the amount to  $700.00. Screwed up my checking account also. I'm not finished with them.

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