
When was the last time you called someone a...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. That is a special name I only save for you

  2. never. what is that anyway

  3. High school.

    I had one of those word a day calendars and was going through it and saw that and what it meant.  Found it neat and used it often.  Friends and I would call each other that.  Not very many people got it.  Still today, most don't.

  4. heard of it.

    But since you told me, I just called the trumpet-playing kid next door a "NINNYHAMMER" and he stopped playing, lol

  5. Just how long did it take you to come up with that big word?

    When's the last time you called someone a F*ckt4rd?

  6. never, but i've called people a cotton headed ninny muggins

  7. i didnt even knew that word existed

  8. Err, never.

    What is a ninnyhammer?

  9. That's a lame word - never and i never will.

  10. Umm... once I know what that means then I'll know if I ever called somebody that.  

  11. Never heard of that word so I dont think that I have ever called someone that.

  12. Its been a while...boob...♥

  13. Who says that?

    never hurd that before.

  14. WTF?

  15. never in my life will that word come out of my mouth

  16. Cant say i ever have called someone that, but ill bear it in mind next time I talk to someone!!


  17. Just now. I called you a Ninnyhammer.  :)

  18. just now, you Ninnyhammer.

  19. wats that?

  20. Urgh. I would not be caught dead saying that word.

  21. Well never....although I usually call you ninnyham......sounds sweeter!

  22. Nerfherder?  Just yesterday.  Ninnyhammer?  Never, might try that out today.

  23. Just now, I tested it out on my Dog.

  24. never

  25. jhh ghnyuh hg,m

  26. Only when I talk about you :)

  27. 5 minutes ago.

  28. I have never even heard of that.

  29. Only in the shortened version; "Ninny" and only to child, replacing an adult vulgarity.

    Dr Smith (Jonathan Harris) on Lost In Space used the phrase in my youth.


  30. Never. I'm a real Catholic. We don’t have that in our vocabulary :)

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