
When was the last time you did a good deed for a stranger?

by  |  earlier

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When was the last time you did a good deed for a stranger?




  1. OMG! you know what? i cant actually remember!! oooooooo I'm so ashamed now! i will redeem myself immediately........ watch this space!

  2. Oh my, I can't remember ! That's terrible !! I DO try 2 B nice & smile !!!

  3. gave $5 to a homeless guy to help get him off the streets.

  4. helped an old lady get somthin heavy off a shelf, held the door for people

  5. it was a hot day and i was on my car......i saw an old lady moving on road with uneasiness......i dropped her till her house and got a lot of blessings.....i felt happy on that day

  6. I held the door open for someone yesterday....  I usually make a point to always do somethig for someone but this reminds me I haven't done enough, I'll do that today =)

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