
When was the last time you felt discriminated against because of your gender?

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haha gnomus. poor you :P




  1. At my last job.  The men I was hired with were given better job leads, more oppertunities to work on projects, and more feedback and personal invovlement from management then both myself and another girl who was hired on.  Oddly enough we were both let go around the same time while the two men have consistently been given better chances to succeed.

    Before you want to say we both must've done subpar work, after two months of being hired I was employee of the month and within 5 more months I suddenly wasnt meeting standards even though I consistently work 50+ hrs each week to hit my targets.

  2. i was in a female toilet. the women kept screaming at me telling me to leave. they weren't shouting at anyone else.

    edit: notice how me and two guys above mentioned virtually the same thing lol.

  3. Last weekend I helped some friends move and they assumed that all the guys should carry the heavy furniture and boxes in 95 degree weather and the girls should just put stuff away in the kitchen.

  4. I honestly don't think I ever have been discriminated against because I'm a woman. Stereotyped, yes. Insulted, yes. But not systemically discriminated.

  5. My old chem teacher did it all the time...almost like a hobby of his

    he was so pretentious :)

  6. Mostly I get social prejudice. I have a lot of boyish hobbies, and often the guys who share my hobbies don't want to deal with me simply because I'm female. As an example, I play World of Warcraft, and the WoW community is amazingly sexist. I've actually had guys try to explain to me how it made perfect sense to ban girls from playing with them, since "the other guys in my guild might want to hit on you, and then that would cause drama". They also said that the drama would be my fault, not theirs. I have also gotten bad attitudes from people at comic book stores or gaming shops I go to. The vibe is that I'm not a "real" customer, I must just be there with my boyfriend.

    Nothing I can't deal with, but it does get old sometimes.

    Edit: The post above mine made me think of back in college when I worked at an art supply store. A guy came in wanting airbrush supplies, but he did not want me to be the one who helped him. He made me go back and find him a male employee because "he'll know more". So I did, and then the male employee I went to fetch told the guy that he didn't know much about airbrushes and that he should ask me. Guy was NOT happy.

  7. Never! If I've missed out on opportunities, or been treated as inferior, it's because of my personal characteristics rather than because I'm female. Maybe it's because I'm quite traditionally-minded anyway, but I don't feel my gender has ever held me back. :)

  8. In P.E., and in the classroom. When we played games, the girls always got head starts for everything, including classroom games like jeopardy...I remember once I rang the buzzer at the same time this girl did, and the teacher forced me to let the girl answer just because of her gender.

    Yep. :P

  9. Mm. The last time? A female co-worker a couple weeks ago was pushing me. I told a manager who happened to be nearby, it turned into a gigantic office meeting because she had a bs complaint (I wouldn't just let her use a tool I was using), aaaand nothing happened. I'm quite sure if I shoved a female employee without provocation I would be fired, and that if she'd hit me nothing would have happened either.

  10. Yesterday.  I work construction, I am a female, one of the guys made a comment, "She must be the bosses daughter".  Those comments go out in ear and out the other for me, you have to expect it when I'm working with 98% men.

  11. When I was in high school and some of college I did part time mechanic work. The guys I worked with weren't too bad but they did give me a lot of c**p because I was a girl. Apparently being female means I am incapable of getting dirty and working on a car. The people who gave me the most problems were the customers. Guys would bring there cars in all the time and tell the boss that they didn't want me to work on the car because I was a woman and I would mess it up(not actually realizing I was the best mechanic in the place)

  12. When I was 15 and I wanted to play basketball with my big brothers and their friends. Maybe it was because I was just their sister.

  13. Oh, it happens with some regularity - see, I'm a Registered Nurse.  That seems to frighten some people - ya see, I'm also very much male!  Was an Army nurse, with battle decorations and all - raised six kids, etc.  And some guys - and the occasional gal - still react as if I were g*y.  WTF???

  14. well..i dont think i have ever felt discriminated against because of my gender...

    but i have been made to feel uhm " creeped out" because of it.

    like when i was 13 and went to this church....I wanted to become a christian coz it sounded really i was taken to a back room ( it was a baptist church) by this guy. ( he was grown) and i said the Forgiveness prayer with him...but i couldnt concentrate..because he kept rubbing my knee the whole time. I also didnt like how he looked at me...I knew plenty enough about s*x at that time because i had already dealt with " perverts" and i knew exactly what he was thinking.

    it really creeped me out ..a man who is supposed to be christian making me feel so yucky... because of that i didnt even become a christian for ten more years....

    also when i was 11 this one dude who worked down here at the local Quicktrip always stared at me...I hated it...he told me he always liked when i came in the store he could stare at my " chest" ( he used a different term though) he got fired soon after though..i guess it was caught on camera.

    ive had a few other instances where I have been uncomfortable with my gender because of sexual harrassment....

    i dont know if thats the same as discrimination though...either way sure is effed up.

  15. They didn't let me enter the women's shower room at the gym.  :)...why, just because I'm a man?? ;)

    And I can't get into clubs for free because I don't have a hot curvy, big busty body  ;)

  16. When I was military got h**l for being a female engineer....greasy hands and all that.

  17. When I got kicked out of womens' locker room :)

  18. 30 minutes ago.  I was made fun of for the taste of curry I cooked for dinner because I am a guy.

  19. Honestly? I've only ever felt discriminated against once.

    And that was because of the sexual harassment lawsuit i was dragged into by some lady at the gym, just out of the blue.

    I wasn't even looking at her. And yet just on her word they made me pay 1600$ in "emotional distress". Something i couldn't afford as a college student.

    It was the judge more than gender discrimination tho, he was a friend of the family of the girl who accused me.

  20. I'm a pretty laid back person who lets things slide and I will even go so far as to say I'm kind of naive at times (I blame age for a lot of this... I'm workin' on it, ok? haha), so I KNOW there are things I miss or only half-notice/ignore and then someone points it out to me later and I groan.

    But yeah, that said, I do get it sometimes. It has to be fairly blatant for me to notice. I dread going in for an oil change or anything of that nature, I often need a pep talk from my father, who tells me to go in there and not let them tell me what's wrong with my car because we already took it to the trusted hometown mechanic and we know all I need is an oil change. And without fail, I am told a laundry list of stuff that is not wrong with my car because I look like a 15 year old in the face and I'm puny and very stereotypically "feminine" in appearance and speech (I'm this way because I like to be and/or I was born with it and am content with it, no one makes me look a certain way). And sure enough, I end up being spoken to like a toddler who's never driven a car before. I'm getting better at being more assertive in my claims, but I will admit the first couple times it happened, I internally freaked and my dad ended up calling the shop... sigh.

    A few months ago I went to get an oil change and a creepy man told me he would change it for free if he could take me out to dinner. Obviously I won't be back to that shop. Too bad because it was the closest one to my new residence.

    In short, I really dislike auto repair shops in general.

    I've also had to deal with a lot of male students ~18 years old in the biology undergrad lab that I teach (pays for tuition, hey!) pretty much ignoring me and my rules in the syllabus. One also told me I was cute in the middle of class, which he got talked to about later and apologized.

    I've also been told by 2-3 different professors when I was a junior in college that I needed to get my PhD in chemistry so I could work with cosmetics. Or go to nursing school. You know what I did? I refused their letters of recommendation and I'm currently in school for my PhD in bioengineering. That was crossing the line.

    In short, I fail at this. But I'm trying. That and... some guys/men really suck.

  21. At a volley ball game with my youth group, they made fun of all the girls, and kept making sure we would never get the ball. And then they also blamed the girls everytime, either side lost a point. And they got mad at us and then decided to play with only the guys....owell. I'll never play volley ball with them again.

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