
When was the last time you gave your Parents a hug or a kiss on the cheek?

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When was the last time you gave your Parents a hug or a kiss on the cheek?




  1. i for sure have not kissed them for over 5 years now...or may be more.....and i dont remember when i last hugged them either......but my dad hugs and kiss me everyday

  2. Iv been away from my parents for 7yrs almost for since school and higher studies so i go back only once a yr...i hug my mom and kiss her cheek on arrival and departing and also on eid...but wit dad i only hold his hands wit salam and kiss his hands lightly. THough he s my dad i feel ther s no need of me showing affection by hugging or kissing his cheek.

    But love them so dearly...and miss them a lot. Been away frm home for eid and ramadan for yrs now. Hopefully i'll go back this yr insya Allah..

  3. yesterday or day before yesterday :D

  4. Today and every time i see them and my brothers and sisters too, alhamdulillah ----- I have never left my parents home without giving them a hug and a kiss goodbye ----- one never knows when you will get the chance to do it again ------  

  5. my mom 2 hours ago my Dad died 11 years ago so yeah that was the last time he died of brain cancer

  6. I think I hugged my Mom yesterday.  I don't remember when I hugged my dad.  I think it was back when I was a kid.


    Actually, I didn't hug my Mom, she hugged me.  I never initiate that.  It's not me.

  7. :( Gosh! I can't remember. Our family have never hugged or kissed(can't really recall maybe when young?), it's not we do to show affection. I only salam her,or just greet her. I don't know if she has ever had an intention to hug or kiss, neither do i, or my siblings. And i know that ain't good.

  8. I gave my mom a hug yesterday night, and she told me to go away, cause she wanted to sleep lol :)

    If you asked my parents when was the last time they hugged or kissed me, i bet they wouldnt be able to remember.  

  9. hug and kissed mommy todayyy :)

    Umm hugged dad last week when he got all emotional at my cousins nikkah :S  I think he was thinking about my future :P awww

  10. I hope this question is open to everyone, I don't want to seem ignorant but I'm new here.

    Fortunately I hugged both my parents right before each of them died.  My mother's death was unexpected but my father was dying of cancer and I hugged & kissed him the day before he died.  Makes me feel much better that they both went knowing I love them.

  11. last nite

    thats my mum

    my dad ..

    .. i cant think that far back :\

  12. I gave mom a hug yesterday, for some (not strange as its mom!) reasons I felt it was the most comforting job in the universe!

    In the morning today I kissed mom and dad...saying good morning!

    'Subh bakhair'

  13. Last night.

    I went with them to an Islamic Sermon gathering. My siblings are way out of touch with religion, that I'm the only one who accompanies them these days. =\

  14. about an hour ago i kissed my mom. I always kiss and hug my mommy ,she's like my teddy bear LOL .But i don't hug nor kiss my dad I'm embarrassed for some reason but i love both my parents equally.  

  15. every morning i kiss my mom, but my dad is out of the country right now, so its been about 2 weeks.

  16. i gave my mum one this morning, my dad got one from me last night. but my mum kisses and hugs me soooooooooooooo much!!!!!! like every time she sees me! awww bless her...but it does get a little annoying after some time lol!

  17. 1 years ago  

  18. Um, this afternoon? We're a pretty demonstrative family, hamdullah.

  19. mum huged and kissed me 4 days ago

    dad never

  20. anytime I see them I greet them with a hug and kiss.

  21. That's a good question, I should go and give them one now!

    I don't give them one enough.

  22. today only..

    sometimes..we think that now we are quite old/big,so these things like kiss/hugs to our parents are u know quite wierd & to be honest,sometimes..thoughts like this come in my mind also but then i see my parents' face..n the love they have for me..for them i'll always be that small,li'l girl whom they love,no matter of what age i i realise that & then give them a kiss or a hug! :) sometimes..we should make them happy by all this..they really do get touched by all this :)

    a very good question!

    keep smiling!

    stay happy!

  23. umm i think it was in june when my mom did an operation and when she went out of the hospital cuz i really missed her alot

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