
When was the last time you had a night out without your kids?

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My husband & I attended a wedding this weekend, it was nice to sit down and have dinner without a 1 year old throwing food on the floor ;)




  1. never cause i have no kids!

  2. Last weekend, my b/f's birthday. We have a 14 month old, and I am very picky of who watches my baby, But let me tell you girl, It was so nice to just relax, have a few cocktails, and just chillin. I think that parents deserve a day/night to theirselves every now and then. It is perfectly fine, but if your sitter see's your child more that you do, then I think that is just bad parenting.

  3. 2002.

  4. My husband and I went out to dinner with his old college roommate and his wife last weekend. It was wonderful; some much needed "adult time".

  5. well my son is only 12 weeks old...but it was when he was just over a month for an hour or so for me and hubby's anniversary. Next time will be Friday for my birthday.  But the last true night out was a few days before he was born.

  6. it has been a while...we usually take afternoons to ourselves once a month while the kids are at grandma's and grandpa's.  But this coming Saturday will be the first night to ourselves since our 6 month old came along.

  7. I'm not a mother but I can imagine how nice that was for the both of you. Just trying planning date nights between you and your husband and hiring a friend or a nanny to babysit the kids while away. Just because you have kids doesn't mean you can't go to the movies, or catch a bite just you and your husband alone.

  8. Wow you offering to babysit? Uhm pick them up anytime:P

    Ok seriously it's been a while. My son is autistic and has asthma so my family does not like to watch him. And I might add he doesn't like them to either. So pretty much do everything with my kids.

  9. I've went out probably 5-7 times since my daughter was born and she is 14 months old..I would leave her with my mom and sneak out at night to a dinner or movie or just out to the bar with my girlfriends so she never even knew I was gone...

    Now she doesn't even really notice if I'm nt around as long as it isn't nap time or bed time so I have started to go out a little bit more often and letting her play at my mom's is nice to get out but I always feel like I forgot something even though I know it's her and she's having fun with my mom,...cant get rid of that feeling...

  10. a wedding in May was the last time i had a night out with husband without my child. it was wonderful!

  11. This past Saturday.

  12. My husband and I just had three glorious nights (and days) without the kids.  My Mom wanted to take them for an extended weekend and had them Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.

    We're very lucky because we have family nearby that is not only willing, but desires to watch our kids.  Quality time with the grandparents is good for the kids and my husband & I.

  13. July 2 -- Hub and I went to see Hancock on it's pre-release date.  

    We've been childless since then for the evening but have been too tired to go anywhere.  We stayed home like the old boring married couple we are.  hehe

  14. everynight because i don't have any kids, life is good!

  15. Hmmmm... let's see... months ago.  What a shame!

    I'm a single mom, but speaking from someone who has been married, you should do everything in your power to make time for yourselves independent from your children.  A once a month date (maybe set up a babysitting swap with other parents in your town in the same situation?)

    My former husband and I never had a honeymoon and we had our first child only a year into our relationship.  That wasn't why we divorced but I'm sure it would have helped us tremendously if we'd focused on our relationship as much as we focused on the kids.

    I hope you can find a way to connect with your hubby on a regular basis, just the 2 of you!

  16. We try to have a "date night" every month or every other month. It keeps the relationship spicey and it gives you a break from being a parent. We usually like to do things that we can't usually do w/ the kids amusement parks, boardwalk rides (we live in south NJ), etc. It's sooooo much fun! My husband's work had a company picnic recently and we acted as if we were teenagers all over again! (Got on a roller coaster, then got right back in line for the same ride.) I think it's a good idea and my daughter (she's 7 and is old enough to understand) loves the fact that we go out to have fun b/c she knows that it makes Mommy & Daddy a lot happier! Doesn't mean we love them any less, but she knows that we need a break every now and then.

  17. Ya it feels so different to go out after you have kids but I think it is necessary to have a healthy marriage/relationship. Me and my fiance just went to Canadas Wonderland with some friends, I missed my daughter so much but it was fun being a kid again.

  18. It was August 16th we went to a dance and then out for drinks.It was nice to sleep in a little.

  19. a night out without kids?  wow,never had one!

  20. Probably a year ago. We did go grocery shopping  yesterday without them (a very rare occurrence for us) and we were in bliss. lol..

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