
When was the last time you laughed out loud?

by  |  earlier

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What about if you laugh when you get nervous? Has laughing ever got you in trouble?




  1. Omg, there's never a moment when I don't laugh. I live to laugh! The jokes on here are hilarious! You should try reading a few. When I'm nervous, I do still laugh (depends on the situation) to keep me relaxed. Yeah, laughing did get me in trouble a few times in class. I can't hold my laughter when someone mentions something funny.

  2. I'm always laughing at some of the jokes I read on here, such corn...!

  3. yea, i get in trouble all the time in my math class, me and my friend r  craaazzzyyyyy :)

  4. Oh h***s bells, I almost always laugh when I'm nervous. Got me in trouble a few times because they thought I was laughing at them. Can't help the way I am. But the last time I laughed out loud was yesterday. And dam did it feel good. LMAO

  5. i remember i was at a lecture and i laughed horribly cause I thought this lecture was a joke.

  6. I LOVE to laugh out loud!

    OMG I laugh like every hour.

    Ooh! And I love it when I laugh so hard my stomach and cheeks hurt!

    I always get in trouble in class for laughing, like detentions and everything!

    My grandma even told me to shut up for laughing, but she might be the devil incarnated. just kidding. :]]]

  7. I laughed out loud yesterday while watching tv....i don't laugh when I get nervous, I start getting hot and sweaty and turn red if nervous... : /

    If you noticed, sometimes I give weird answers, as so do others, so I tend to laugh at almost anything but only 'cause I end up getting an image in my head of the situation, so I laugh, which some people in person don't think its funny, and get very upset. Oh and I like reenacting little scenarios of certain everyday situations, which some people don't appreciate... : /

  8. yesterday and no ii never got me into trouble!

  9. apparently in april(my b'dae)

    the world's so stressed:(

  10. I laughed reading the responses of this question :D

    I smile sometimes when I get nervous; I don't laugh.

    And yes I guess. Like laughing when something misfortune but funny happened to someone?

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