
When was the last time you saw a hedgehog?

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I haven't seen one this year but have noticed a plague of slugs; their staple diet.




  1. Sep.t last year at cabin in Gatlinburg Tenn.

  2. I saw roadkill that looked a lot like a hedgehog out in the country the other day.

  3. when I was a little girl I saw one in a forest

  4. about a week ago my dog was fighting with a massive one,it had the last laugh because it gave my dog fleas (my dogs payback for biting it) ,i have also noticed the plague of slugs most of them on the bottom of my shoes!!!!!!!!!

  5. I saw one in my headlights last night a second or two before I felt my car go over a slight bump.


    Just been out to my car and would you believe it there is actually one stuck to the wheel of my car.

  6. Last night when I went out to feed him!  I make sure he likes coming here - and I have no slugs!

  7. today ...

  8. last night theres a few lodging undert my compost heap

  9. When I was 7, watching Sonic The Hedgehog the cartoon.

    Other than that, not much.

    (are slugs honestly the main staple of their diet? o_O)

  10. Yesterday (in Fife). I saw a large dead one in the middle of the path I was walking along. That's the only one I think I've seen this year unfortunately.

  11. I saw one on was sonic Fanart. :) =D :D ^_^

  12. i played sonic the hedgehog the other day

  13. I have never seen a hedgehog. I haven't many slugs this year either.

  14. I just opened my pictures and drew a picture of SONIC the HEDGEHOG.

  15. Theres one on my driveway stuck to the wheel of my car

  16. I think Sonic ran by a little while ago

  17. tbh 2003, disneyland paris. then they kind of just disappeared...

  18. Last night, 11 pm when I was walking the dogs. One of them is a coward went up to it, ran away and barked, so funny.

  19. I hadn't seen one for years, but funny you should ask cos I saw one in my garden last night! It came near the patio door and the security lights came on. I put a saucer of milk out for it as I used to as a child, when they were more common, it didn't drink it though.

    I'm happy to say goodbye to the slugs. I wonder if the hedgehogs die if they eat slugs that have eaten slug pellets?

  20. About thirty minutes ago, my older sister has one for a pet.

    As for one in a zoo, petshop, or in the wild, I have yet to see one.

  21. I saw one about two weeks ago walking across the road at night time! I had never seen one before then. This was in the middle of an estate right beside a busy road! At first I thought it was a rat or something but nope! =] It was sooo cute. It just went into a garden afterwards.

  22. couple of years back, come to think of it where have they al gone

  23. I didn't realize they lived in the US. Haven't seen one where I live. Last time I saw one was in Europe, a couple years ago.

  24. OMG literally about 2 mins after reading your question. I read it, and laughed, then went and got a drink, and when i came back, by a MASSIVE coincidence there was a hedgehog in the hedge in the garden. U must be sum kind of psychic!

  25. At the Rutgers University Golf Course on Busch Campus, there are TONS!

  26. when i was in cornwal a few months ago - it was being attacked by this evil jack russel... my dog tried to get the jack russel the next day lol - i think he must like hedgehogs or something

    the hedgehog didnt die tho - we all thought it had but the next morning it was gone - and no trace of any other animal getting it!!

  27. I've got family in Europe, they have several hedgehog in their garden and they put up a camera to record them.

  28. Me either i have not seen a hedgehog this year only last year.  I heard on the news this year that the increase of hedgehogs has lowered i really like hedgehogs. Once when i was really little we found a hedgehog in our garden!It was a baby.I really miss hedgehog's.

  29. Last sat but it was dead, boohoo  

  30. We don't have any in Houston but I've seen lots of them in Corsica. They're so cute.

  31. Hmmm, come to think of it, I haven't seen any this year either... but have also been invaded by slugs and snails....... good point... have a star.


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