
When was the last time you showered?

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are you a clean or dirty person?




  1. I have curly curly hair. But guess what? When I dont shower, I get frizz. Frizz is ugly. So take a shower every day. AND WASH YOUR HAIR, TOO!! Because it gets dirtier than your body. I washed mine just this morning! Dead skin falls off your scalp and covers your hair when you dont wash it. Yuck.

  2. I shower every morning, and wash my hair every second day. So yeah I can shower but not wash my hair.. not that hard xD I just let the water run through my hair and yeah. Does the trick. Then I can also re-style my hair and blah :)

  3. I shower basically every day in the morning.

    I just haven't gotten to it yet today.

  4. i shower at night to get all the dirt and old skin cells off me

  5. I am clean - I also have curly hair that I straighten so if I don't feel like straightening it - I still take a shower - I just use a Shower Cap!  

  6. I was myself everyday I like to smell good.

  7. I shower every night before bed.  I just don't like dirt in my bed.  I also sweat a lot...during the day and at night.  Dumb genetics and hormones...

    Okay; my advice.  Two showers a day is a little much.  I could understand taking a shower at night, then rinsing with water in the morning to freshen up, but not anymore than that.

    If you shower too often, your hair will become more oily because it isn't used to being so clean all the time, so it tries to compensate with an oil overload.  I shower every night; wash my face, wash my hair, conditioner, and body wash.  I have really straight hair, that tends to get oily though...which might be caused by washing it too often.  :D

    My sister has the really crazy curly kinda frizzy hair, but she showers everyday, and only washes her hair every other.  Every time she goes into a hair salon, she hears about how her hair is some of the healthiest that the stylist has seen.

    Good luck and I hope this helps a little!

  8. I shower every day but I only wash my hair every other time.  It's better for hair.

  9. I shower every day

    but since im black,

    if i wash my hair

    every 2 or 3 days

    my hair is going to


  10. In the middle.. last time i showered, wednesday. but dont say eww cause its better for people with curly hair to shower less so I do it 2-4 times the week. My hair is really healthy. Sometimes its a drag for me to take a shower but at other times i just jump in

  11. 10 minuets ago-it's a daily thing -get off work come home shower.

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