
When was the last time you spoke to your parents?

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Havent spoken to mine in 5 1/2 years




  1. i spoke to dad on the weekend. mum and dad are coming to see me in january! (they live in australia, we live in england)

  2. I spoke to my mum today when she came to pick my son up and take him to the cinema (and briefly when she brought him back).  I spoke to my dad by text at the weekend and saw him last the monday before that before he went on holiday.  I make a point of speaking to my mum at least once a week and seeing her once a week and try to do the same with my dad.  Im completely independent i just think its important to keep a good realtionship with my parents because you never know how long you have got them for!

  3. 2 days ago, get in touch with your parents - they are the only ones you have and the only people who truly care about you in life.

    You will always have disagreements but try to overcome them and get on with each other. Good luck!

  4. I speak to my Mum every day although she died last year. My Dad died a good few years ago and it would have been a few weeks before that when  I last spoke to him.

  5. Mom - Saturday, Dad - Sunday, MIL & FIL - Friday

    Maintaing a good relationship with my parents is one way I try and instill family values in my own son. I hope he will call me as often as I call my parents. None of them are perfect (far from it) but they are my parents.

  6. This morning... If you are able to contact them, do it. If something soured the relationship, fix it.

  7. I speak to mine an absolute minimum once a week

    Why do you ask? Do you want someone to tell you to get back in touch or you may regret it?

    Have a think about why you asked the question...then ring up you parents...if not for you then for them!

  8. 15 min ago.  I talk to my mom daily, and my dad every couple of days, unless he's there when I talk to my mom.

  9. mom 2 minutes ago

    dad the night he passed away in dic, 10  2003

  10. Mom September of she died.

    Father September of 07.........evening he died.

  11. This morning - and my in-laws.  We had a baby 3 weeks ago and now they won't get off the phone.  They want to know every time he has a cr*p!

  12. 7 months ago.......

  13. Gosh!

    I have always had a..... shall we say....delicate relationship with my parents.  However, I have never left it quite that long.  I moved away (only 140 miles, but far enough) 13 years ago and now I get moaned at for not ringing often.  

    I adore my parents, however, we have, shall we say, had our differences over the years.  Their values are very old fashioned and I struggled living in a different era to what they were used to!  However, they do mellow as they get older...... they are the only parents you will ever have (I can almost hear you saying 'Thank God'!)...... and one day you may regret the rift.

    Whoever's fault it is, don't leave it til it is too late, I really found my parents hard to forgive a few years ago...... hurt doesn't begin to describe it, but you know, much as I thought I could live the rest of my life without them - and in truth I still feel that I could at times - there is always that niggling in the back of my mind that I will be around on this earth probably for longer than they are - and I really don't want to live with any regrets.

    Hope it turns out well for you ALL.

    x    :o)

  14. Mum -about 2 seconds ago :)

    Dad - hour ago or so

  15. Yesterday, had a BIG fight about the stupidest thing (i'm 17 though it's gonna happen). Still love em though. And I can't imagine not speaking to them for five years, that's crazy...

  16. I have not talked to my father in 15 years. I talk to my mother daily and she sees my kids about 3 times a week. I talk to my husband's parents at least once a week.

  17. The last time I saw my Dad was 14th June 2001, the day he died. I haven't seen my Mum in just over two years now, she beat me as a child and is a worthless alcoholic. I've given her countless chances with my eldest and she's proved she can't be a good grandparent. If she wants to see him, she can sort herself out first. She has never even seen my youngest two and I have no intention on letting her.

    I see my in-laws frequently, they come round for meals and we go out as a family. They are great grandparents to all our children and it's great that they can be trusted alone with them, unlike my Mum. Our kids love them as well, so everyone's pleased there.

  18. Had dinner with my parents last night.

  19. Mom- One hour ago  Dad- Last Saturday

  20. i spoke to my mom like 4 hrs ago.

    and my dad is deployed so i havent spoke to him in awhile...

  21. I'm so lucky i see my mum everyday ..shes my best friend and my Dad i often talk to him when i am alone he passed away 8 years ago and i still miss him x

  22. yesterday

  23. I spoke to them a couple of seconds ago lol.

    I still live at home.

  24. hi great question, both mine are gone but talk to them every day, but talked to mine son to day only by phone but just to hear his voice is special, I am not going to tell you to call your parents , because I don't know what they or you did or did not do, but communication with the ones you love are important, it may be your friends or a sibling or grand parents, but I know I need to talk with my wife or son on a daily basis or I get withdrawal symptoms, if however you have no one to talk to ,this is a great medium for communicating, on a daily bases,Hi there Nelly how was your day anything interesting, me oh , I spoke to this really caring lady she asked the most interesting question her name , oh, Nelly

  25. my mom last night my dad when i was 18 the day before died

  26. I last spoke to my mother 4 years ago, the day before she died.  She was very ill, but her last words to me were, "you can go home now."   In that short phrase, she expressed everything a mother is, and she gave me her blessing to go on with my life.  I don't know why you haven't talked to your parents in 5 years, but if they are still alive and haven't been horrible or abusive to you, don't wait.  Make the first move.  It could mean a lot to you and to them.  Good luck.

  27. The last time I spoke to my father was 28th Novenber 1964-2 hours later he was dead!

    The last time I spoke to my mum was 28th September 2007-just before she died!

    Speak to your parents before it is too late!

  28. mum, about 4 hours agp

    dad, about 4 years ago

  29. My mum about 5 hours ago, My dad about 4 years ago.

  30. Mom about 2wks ago....she was enroute to another state.

    Dad about 13 yrs ago....he is in Heaven.

  31. I stopped talking to my parents for a long long time over some disagreement that I later relized was not worth loosing them over. It took alot of balls to try to make peace with them but once I did things were alot easier. Hang in there man...things will work out for the better...they always do.

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