
When was the last time you threw up..?

by  |  earlier

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I ate some dodgy cheese yesterday and was sick for hours...




  1. last night, bout 10 pm, and feel really awful today, just want to curl up, but kids playing up so no chance

  2. Last weekend too much alcohol!! oops I should know better at my age! lol

  3. Hmm..i think 7 weeks ago, i had the flu :(

  4. When I ate a bad egg in Spain. I had the Dry Heaves for 3 days.

  5. when i had a migraine about two or three months...i normally become like the exorcist,i throw up everything i have in my stomach,even water,and when i got no more,i still gotta do the try,if i dont,i feel so freakin bad,besides the pain in just one side of my head that doesnt let me sleep....oh,the worst one was when i ate 2 tortas and like 6 or 5 tacos of discada (a mixture of different meat cooked in a big rounded metal disc with coal) at 11 o clock and finished it in 10 minutes and after that i went str8 to bed...the worst morning i've ever had...  

  6. This morning - after a heavy night of drinking and a chicken pakora!

  7. I'm surprised I didn't this morning!  Let's see...maybe 9 or 10 months ago?  Hope you feel better soon.

  8. About three or four moths ago. it was horrible and my throat was very saw.

  9. i am sick about 5 times a day just dry retching infact i feel sick now.last year i was treated for throat cancer the treatment has left me with no taste buds and no saliva i cant eat and if i do a couple of mouthfulls and i am retching for 10 minutes its a nightmare.drs have told me there is nothing they can do i have tried every anti sickness drug there is to ry but none of them work on me.

  10. Haven't thrown up for years - felt like it though sometimes ;)

  11. When i had a stomach bug last november, it was not nice

  12. i was nearly sick last night i went to v festival and i was singing/screaming so loudly i made myself gag lol

  13. 3 Years Ago. Not kidding. :|

  14. exactly 3weeks and 6 days ago. no joke.

  15. it was ages ago i had undercooked chicken given to me

  16. When I had morning sickness.

  17. When I got the norovirus that swept the UK in January. Luckily for me I didn't get the diarrhoea that most other people got.

    I've never felt so ill in my life!!! I'd had no symptoms the day before and suddenly woke up at 03:00 and was sick. I was sick 14 times after that until 13:00. I had a temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit and had my bedroom windows wide open to try and cool down when it'd snowed and was -1 Celsius outside.

  18. A couple of hours ago.  

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