
When was the last time you took a ride on a train, and did you enjoy it?

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When was the last time you took a ride on a train, and did you enjoy it?




  1. actually ,,i've not taken a ride on a choo choo before...not that i didn't want to but just never had the reason too. so,,through our town,,there's an old fashioned train that runs through the summer months starting from the north end of town and going down to the state fair in indy,,,i did have a thought or two to do that over the years but nope,,,not yet.seems like something i would enjoy tho,,,lol

  2. It was about 40 years ago when i was in the boy scouts. We just took a trip between two cities, about 50 miles and back.

  3. August 20, 2000.

    I enjoyed it very much.  It was my last trip before retiring...

  4. Mmmmm, day before yesterday, yeah, it was fun, they were paying me though, I got to blow the whistle, and ring the bell and everything LOL

    As a passenger I would have to say it was in 2000, in Italy traveling with some friends.

    We stopped at a market, got some very fresh bread, some proscuitto, fresh produce, excellent cheese and a couple bottles of wine.

    It was a long ride from Naples to Rome and yes, we had a fabulous time.

  5. 3 days ago. My oldest son (he's 6) and I went and had a great time. We usually go a few times during the summer. We both love going! :)

  6. It was about six months ago, I took a trip on Amtrak. We always book a sleeping car. I find it worth the extra expense. Its relaxing, allows some privacy and the meals are included. The train is not perfect, there are usually dealys, but I prefer it to train travel. If you are not in a hurry, I highly recommend it. You will arrive at your destination more relaxed and in better spirits. But, if you are in a hurry or easily stressed by delays, train travel may not be for you.

  7. Just got off one about 3 hrs. ago.  As someone else said, they were paying me though, and yes I enjoyed it, kids and hot chicks love to wave at us on trains.

  8. I went on the strasberg railroad train a couple of years ago and it was a lot of un.

  9. about 14 hours ago , I get paid for it too. Did I enjoy it ? No I had crappy power and no AC and on the Needles Sub in Aug. through the desert it gets bad, but every trip can't be a dead head.

  10. The last time i was on a train was over 15 years ago. I had graduated from basic training from Fort Jackson, S.C. So me and some others had get the Am-track out of Columbia, S.C. to Baltimore, Maryland. It was about a 12 hour ride up there. The only thing about it that i enjoyed i had graduated and was finally away from those DIs.

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