
When was the last time you travelled by "sleeper-car" train ? where ? and was it a good experience ?...$ ??

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When was the last time you travelled by "sleeper-car" train ? where ? and was it a good experience ?...$$ ??




  1. Late last year, from Glasgow to London Euston. I can't remember how much it cost but I got a good deal on it. I had the room to myself, perfectly comfortable - but arrived early in to Euston! But you can stay onboard for a while.

    I've also been on sleepers in the USA several times, and Barcelona to Paris (that was rough). The USA ones are inconsistent and Amtrak are getting squeezed for funds, so the service can be shoddy at times but almost guaranteed to arrive hours late.

  2. Went from Boston to Chicago on one about 7 years ago (they don't run sleepers on that train anymore, though).  It was about a 24-hour trip, and it was tough to get to sleep on the top bunk as the car rocked back and forth at high speeds.  It cost like $700 I think, way more than coach fare, but I had money back then.  You had a little compartment with two single bunks, and the bottom one folded out of the way and you could put up a table.  It had 110-volt power, a hidden toilet, and a little TV (4-inch) with headphone jacks that you could watch a movie on.  We watched "The Mummy," so that will give you an idea of when I took this trip.

    FYI - the track from Boston to Albany is slow - it took us 12 hours to get from Boston to Albany (200 miles), then another 12 to get to Chicago (900 miles).

    There was a snack car where you could get sandwiches, and there was a car with a shower stall (I didn't try it).

  3. time: last year

    where: beijing, china

    experience: comfy and relaxing but you have no control over the temp. so it can get cold.

    $$$: about $15 dollars in china. I dont know how much in the US

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